How you see the future of crypto ?


Jul 5, 2022
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Hi everybody , Tell me how you see the future of cryptocurrencies , have you ever invested in Crypto ?
What else allows you to dispose & control your money anywere on the world without limitations, or high fees?
Maybe 1 or 2 will survive. Others will be end in few years. This is my personal opinion.
It could go mainstream in this decade
The economy is very bad now, so there are not that much money pour into the crypto world.

Thus, I have a very bad feeling about crypto future, maybe it needs many years to recover, if only possible.
The way I view it is that every industry will face digital transformation at some point, reaping all the benefits that come with the use of efficient, modern and streamlined technology.

In my opinion crypto is the digital transformation of the financial industry.

As with most digital transformations it is coming up against lots of opposition from the “old school” and it takes a long time for acceptance, but it’s coming.

To put the age of crypto into perspective - Bitcoin started in 2009 (so it’s 13 years old). In comparison the internet (another major digital revolution) started in 1983 (39 years old). So crypto is still very immature and there is lots more to come from it (I think).

Also; thread moved.
OK, let me put my tinfoil hat for a bit. From my perspective central banks and governments will never lose control on money creation in their own system. The last 10 years in crypto were just a warm-up for the CBDC's, that are coming. Satoshi (some 3 letter agency) cleverly marketed the idea until a digital currency is already acceptable for most.

Bitcoin currently is a far cry from the cyberpunk anarchy utopia, which was promised. It never became an actual currency, which is used as intended, nor did it became a store of value/ inflation hedge/ pick your own narrative of late. Once all the regulations / KYC requirements are in place on all the on-off ramps it will lose most of it's real world uses. Defi is a giant steaming pile of financial engineering, designed to launder money and make profits for the hedgies at Wall Street .

In time we will see more and more government control and censorship ( remember the truckers and those who donated bitcoins and got their wallets frozen on the centralized exchanges?) which will lead to people flocking on the Monero bandwagon en mass and we might even witness the BTC/Monero flip, but even that will not last for long, once we have several cyber-polygons and all access to the internet becomes controlled through centralized biometric identification.

TLDR: stack silver and Monero.
If people use crypto which it was designed for is peer to peer electronic money it will bright future but the masses is giving their power away to the government asking for control.
Here's how I see the future of crypto:

  1. Websites and online businesses will get paid direct. Maybe even physical stores. No more payment processors.
  2. Cryptos are deflationary. The more time passes, the less coins are available. This makes them valuable in the long run. There will always someone who wants to buy at least 1 coin and if there's less and less coins, then it naturally becomes more scarce. Unlike regular money which they print more of nonstop.
  3. NFT's aren't just about monkeys and jpegs. Movie tickets, game tickets, baseball cards, drivers licenses. Anything can be made into a NFT. The fees to do so are paid in crypto, so there'll always be demand.
  4. Proof of stake coins like Avalanche spend tiny amounts of energy to do "mining". It's much greener than Bitcoin. Future coins are proof of stake for sure.
  5. Lots of smartasses and scammers are getting weeded out right now. Every time there's something like MtGox or the recent events we saw, crypto becomes cleaner and the best survive.
  6. Big companies are getting into it already. Several treasuries have cryptos in their holdings

I really need to learn to exit numbered lists on BHW without hitting submit and then EDIT :p
Crypto has previously fallen 80% and then recovered strongly. I believe it has a bright future.