How would you market a UFC forum?


Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry if this in wrong section. I looked around and couldnt find one to fit.

I have a ufc forum and for some reason I cannot get people to get active. I have let it slip for a while because I cant seem to get the members active. is the name of the forum.

But what else do you suggest I can do to try and get members who will get active? I have a twitter account and post to it about the forum, I have also joined other forums and been active there with a link in my signature for it.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
maybe you should open a section and let them share the links to the live streams of the upcoming events where they can watch the fights for free or you can post the streams yourself for example from here:
although idk if it's legal or not, because you're not streaming, just sharing the links to the streams
so this way you may get more recurring visitors and if you can index & rank the topic on google, that would be even more better

but i'm just thinking out loud and this idea can be a really bad one because of the possible legal issues
maybe you should open a section and let them share the links to the live streams of the upcoming events where they can watch the fights for free or you can post the streams yourself for example from here:
although idk if it's legal or not, because you're not streaming, just sharing the links to the streams
so this way you may get more recurring visitors and if you can index & rank the topic on google, that would be even more better

but i'm just thinking out loud and this idea can be a really bad one because of the possible legal issues

Exactly what I was about to suggest. UFC are pretty strict on their copyright etc so I would only link to 1/2 events and then stop doing it. A good way around this would be only have the streams available to premium members - that way it's highly unlikely you'll get picked up.

Try spamming and ustream on event days - ton of traffic in that.

@xplicit - I have a thread in Jr VIP about live streaming - see if you can dig it up. That has a lot of tips on getting a shit load of traffic for sporting events.
I thought about doing that and using as a way to promote, but UFC is cracking down on them streams big time and I dont want my name coming up.

Meat: Looks like we were posting at the same time, and I have thought about using JTV to do it.
Meat: Looks like we were posting at the same time, and I have thought about using JTV to do it.

I've also had good success promoting forums like so:

Find some popular highlights videos on Youtube.

Download them and upload them to your own channel (talkufc or whatever).

Post them on the forum and get some [fake] conversations going.

Spam UFC fan pages and chat rooms ( etc) with the links and try get something going like that.

Plenty of Facebook services you could use here to grow a massive UFC fan-page.

Get some pay-per-post people from DP in at the beginning to seed the forum and use RSS feeds to make it look busy.

Good luck!
Never been to good with the facebook fanpages. I dont know enough about it.. That is another route I want to take, just have to learn how. I do plan on getting some good vids and then branding them, and re-up them to video sites.

By the looks of it, do you think its an appealing looking forum? (besides no activity)..
Find all the streams of the next UFC fight and do m turk, outsource, ect.. commenting on the streams (the ones that allow you to) and linking back to your forum.

Also, paying someone to keep discussion going and engaging during peak times of interest. Right before, during, right after a fight on the forum.
the ufc have a long history of stepping on domains with "ufc" in the url, they are very strict about it. ufcjunkie and ufcmania both had to move to mmajunkie and mmamania after a legal letter from Zuffa.
I think one of the best ways for you to get active members would be to find some UFC forums post in them with your signature back to your forum.