How would you make money from a group of unemployed / job seekers?


Regular Member
Apr 3, 2012
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I have an email list of people looking for jobs, most of them will probably not be working so they'll not have much money to spend. How would you monetize this list?

I have a few ideas but I'd love to hear some more. Suggestions please.

Why not send job related CPA offers? There are a few out there.
an idea I saw before was..

email them all saying you have a job for a dating site where they need more active members.. tell them they need to signup for the website and upload at least 1 photo.. fill out their about me, and send out around 3-5 mails each day.. and they get paid on the 7th day.. or however you want to word it. you get the idea.

I know this is unethical.. and i'm not doing it myself.. but it's an idea and it works. so don't flame me.
I know money is money but unethical as fuck.. making money from ppl who don't even have money to pay their bills.
CR offers, and a fake job offer/and application to fill out. Used to make $xxxx like this daily.
Don't be shitty with them, they are down on there luck as it is.

If anything it should be CPA offers where they can perhaps do a survey and make a bit of cash for themselves. Do good by them and good will find its way to you.

EDIT: The above post is prime example of being a cunt.
Sign in for a traffic exchange or email listbuilder and let them also sign in as your affilliate and get paid while they surf or reading mail searching for an online job there! Or you can start sell ad swaps!( Sell traffic for money)
there are ways to monetize them while not screwing them. make a "make money online" course and you could upsell them on hosting, etc, etc. or paid surveys, resume uploads. there's a bunch of things you can do.
I think there are some CPA offers you could make money
with. Also you could give you Affiliate offers.

Good Luck
Teach them IM, really. If they can start out on Hostgator using your affiliate 1 cent code and get an .info domain for $1-$2 then they have 1 month to make some money, either by offering services (fast cash) or doing Adsense/Affiliate/CPA and waiting a few months for payout to continue doing on their work.
I've never talked about ethics on BHW and usually hate when people do but this is scummmy. I skipped an easy $250 day method on CL related to job offers a while ago and don't regret it.

I have no problem making money off idiots, but not ones who are panicking about feeding their kids.
Dont freelance sites have an affiliate program? Teach them how to earn money.
I have no problem making money off idiots, but not ones who are panicking about feeding their kids.

I don't think you can say it's OK to make money off some people but not others. Do you think these 'idiots' you make money from are all rich? Of course they aren't.

I don't plan to scam anyone but more offer them something of value which either gets them a job or gets them some money. Sending them a guide on freelancing which has my affiliate link at the bottom was one idea, it will cost them nothing and they might make some cash from it. I considered sending them to some job related CPA / affiliate offers but I think most of them are probably not going to get work from buying them so it wouldn't be too fair.

Any other ideas?
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Does clickbank have guides on "how to be successful at job interviews"? Could work.
I don't have a problem with sending someone to a cpa offer no matter what their situation. It's not like you are swindling them out of hard earned cash by getting them to give somebody their name/email/phone number.
I don't have a problem with sending someone to a cpa offer no matter what their situation. It's not like you are swindling them out of hard earned cash by getting them to give somebody their name/email/phone number.

Yeah, but some people use CPA on trial offers. Those may not charge for a few days or just a dollar off the bat...but it does charge a lot more a few days later, plus they have to call for a refund, etc. A lot of people signing up for stuff like that aren't really thinking straight because they want what is being offered (a job interview, etc). In those cases, I think it's a lot more about what the person can morally digest.
If they are in the U.S I've got a legit job for them with my company. Part time, couple hours a week max to start, avg of $140 a month. PM me for details.
Does clickbank have guides on "how to be successful at job interviews"? Could work.

Yes they do. They don't look very good though and I certainly wouldn't buy them.

I don't have a problem with sending someone to a cpa offer no matter what their situation. It's not like you are swindling them out of hard earned cash by getting them to give somebody their name/email/phone number.

Yeah if all they had to do was give out their name and email address it's not a problem.

Yeah, but some people use CPA on trial offers. Those may not charge for a few days or just a dollar off the bat...but it does charge a lot more a few days later, plus they have to call for a refund, etc. A lot of people signing up for stuff like that aren't really thinking straight because they want what is being offered (a job interview, etc). In those cases, I think it's a lot more about what the person can morally digest.

This however is more of a problem as I wouldn't want someone shelling out money (with or without realising) that they can't afford but I don't think just because they're jobless it suddenly turns them braindead and makes them unable to think straight. It's something I need to think about though.
The freelancing idea is good. If they have any particular talents you could always incorporate them into your outsourcing.. Or Elance them..?

I don't think you can say it's OK to make money off some people but not others. Do you think these 'idiots' you make money from are all rich? Of course they aren't.

I don't plan to scam anyone but more offer them something of value which either gets them a job or gets them some money. Sending them a guide on freelancing which has my affiliate link at the bottom was one idea, it will cost them nothing and they might make some cash from it. I considered sending them to some job related CPA / affiliate offers but I think most of them are probably not going to get work from buying them so it wouldn't be too fair.

Any other ideas?