How would you build the optimal master/slave set up for Instagram?


Elite Member
May 15, 2013
Reaction score
I am looking to create a network of 5 or so slave accounts to drive real followers to my clients main account. I am not necessarily on a strict budget, but I wouldn't mind staying under $50ish.

The client will be paying for Jarvee monthly, so that is not a problem.

I am trying to find the optimal set up for slave accounts.

Do I buy PVA accounts and rebrand them? What's the best PVA service?
What proxies should I use? What kind of Jarvee settings do you recommend?
Is there a service that will provide me with all of this?

I'm sure all of you know that dealing with clients can be a pain in the ass, so I am not trying to mess up my clients IG account with some janky slave accounts.

Thank you so much,

I think You have to create account by yourself that works great, instead of buying accounts from other because old account without warm up is nothing they works as new works. So don't waste your money. You can create accounts by email with your proxy.
You can use any dedicated datacenter proxies and don't waste your money for residential or 4g proxies for child accounts. (Save money for pv).
I have experience in growing accounts if you need any other help PM
Hey, people need to stop about thinking of buying accounts in order to set up authority accounts. Authority accounts need to be done manually on smartphones. Then warmed up manually (like posting every once in a week, setting bio, following dozen people...) for a few weeks, then added to jarvee with solid unique proxies, then warmed up for a month. If done well you'll never have to even phone verify.

Buying accounts is only ok for mass spam churn and burn campaigns.
I think You have to create account by yourself that works great, instead of buying accounts from other because old account without warm up is nothing they works as new works. So don't waste your money. You can create accounts by email with your proxy.
You can use any dedicated datacenter proxies and don't waste your money for residential or 4g proxies for child accounts. (Save money for pv).
I have experience in growing accounts if you need any other help PM

Okay awesome, are there any PV services you would recommend?