How were all the vaccines supposedly 'discovered' within a few weeks of one another?


Regular Member
Dec 30, 2020
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How were all the vaccines invented within the space of a few weeks? I remember they were all racing to be 1st past the post then as soon as one was then suddenly the news reports all the others were coming out left and right.

It seems more like they were already developed and the governments just waited for a certain time to elapse before starting to drip out press releases of the sudden breakthroughs and they just waited a few weeks between different companies to try and make it look 'natural'.

Proof of world depopulation agenda? Wondering when they are going to activate the kill switch on these vaccines, probably waiting for maximum uptake first and rounding up the rest of the stragglers who have been hesitant to take it.

And is the weekend.
Another conspiracy thread? :anyway:

Have you ever thought of the fact that research could be shared?
Have you considered that companies may be greedy for profit, but scientist don't give a shit about that and just want to understand another thing they don't understand?
Have you ever thought of the fact that some rushed market because they didn't want to come out last?
Well we can't get political so I won't mention anything specific, but ask yourself: what MAJOR event took place a few days right before the vaccines came out?

It's not a guarantee that they were all discovered at the same time. Rather, they all waited for the major event to pass in order to not help someone... It's possible they were discovered months before that event.
"Proof of world depopulation agenda" with a virus that kills less than 1% of infected people... not a great plan
just feed them chemicals, sugar and make healthcare extremely expensive, if the population is aging just replace them by importing people from 3rd world countries
Itz easy. Get some distilled water, put it into an ampoule, mix some nano chip, install windowz 11 n pegasus; ship. Shouldn't take much time atall.
Jokes apart, I still think it's under tested. How come other vaccines take 5-20 years to properly test and launch, while this one got released in a year? That said, I'd still take it. We don't have a choice. :(
Moderna was done in 2-3 days as a result of 15 years long research for the tech.

And no, they were not researching corona viruses, but the specific tech used in the vaccine now.
Another conspiracy thread? :anyway:

Have you ever thought of the fact that research could be shared?
Have you considered that companies may be greedy for profit, but scientist don't give a shit about that and just want to understand another thing they don't understand?
Have you ever thought of the fact that some rushed market because they didn't want to come out last?

coming from an international data analyst, this makes a lot of sense.
coming from an international data analyst, this makes a lot of sense.
not saying i'm right and we probably will never know the truth behind covid
but, there so many angles to look at it
Why is it always directed at "gov pulled this shit to fuck us over"
not saying i'm right and we probably will never know the truth behind covid
but, there so many angles to look at it
Why is it always directed at "gov pulled this shit to fuck us over"

Yes, I was serious. Your data analyst background and knowledge makes you think in a sort of alien neuralink way. You are the best, keep the good work :p
How were all the vaccines invented within the space of a few weeks? I remember they were all racing to be 1st past the post then as soon as one was then suddenly the news reports all the others were coming out left and right.

It seems more like they were already developed and the governments just waited for a certain time to elapse before starting to drip out press releases of the sudden breakthroughs and they just waited a few weeks between different companies to try and make it look 'natural'.

Proof of world depopulation agenda? Wondering when they are going to activate the kill switch on these vaccines, probably waiting for maximum uptake first and rounding up the rest of the stragglers who have been hesitant to take it.

And is the weekend.
My dear friend, everyone that doesn't believe in the depopulation agenda is an actual retard. Remember bill gates himself said on stage they are working on using vaccines to "lower" birthrates and population. And theres no way to go around and say he "meant something else".

Remember that doctor woman on jesse ventura's show that said one of her rich patients said "its almost time to cull the useless eaters".

When lockdown happened in my eastern town people were waiting in line for hours to shop.
You just wait for lockdown 2.0 in september to start..all those great afro and muslim people in europe will take it so well being forced to vaccinate. There totally wont be riots.
Werent multiple vaccine centers in france already set on fire?
You just wait till more and more people start to die after vaccination to the point even the normies get angry.

With the new covid delta wont even know what kills them..the virus or the vaccine. its gonna be chaos.
The owners of Manure Utd invented Covid. They were so dismayed by how Liverpool were dominating the Premiership after winning the Champions League, they decided to try to bring the season to an early close and thus nil & void the competition for last season.
I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed
Yes, I was serious. Your data analyst background and knowledge makes you think in a sort of alien neuralink way. You are the best, keep the good work :p
Don't worry two guys with tails are ready to save you .
worlds shut down... trillions of dollars in economic value lost
big $$$ for the companies that find a vaccine to stop the world shutting down and regain trillions of dollars in economic value

is it any wonder why vaccines came quick and in large groups?? They're all incentivised to do so
Amazingly stupid thread, like all the others about covid.
Posting a thread like this should result in instant ban of the person. Or put a badge that says "monkey" on their profile, so that normal people don't get fooled to talk with these animals.
And i already said yesterday that vaxxers should have badges below their avatars for how many vaccines they took.

I bet that if I pretended to be a woman I could convince you in a month to send me over 1000$. I bet i can get you fooled to talk with me and thin you out of 1k.