How we do it in the south


Compromised Account
Oct 25, 2010
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This is my first Youtube video ever. My 5 year old nephew being...well, my 5 year old nephew. Enjoy!
Ouch lol. Is he into dirtbikes, I remember when I was 5 I sure was lol?
He's worn that helmet since he was two/three on his tricycle lol.
Kentucky is north. during the civil war it was at first a neutral state, then became a northern state. Kentuckians may act southern/have a accent, but i attest that more to being just simple "country folk" then anything. guess i'm in a bit of a sour, stubbron state of mind. doesn't make a difference. glad to see your enjoying life
monster, whether a state is north or south isn't in regards to the civil war. Kentucky is definitely a southern state, in accent, culture, how they act.. wouldn't all that determine if they were a northern or southern state? Guess we're just looking at the coin from 2 different sides. ;)

But that's adorable, hope the guy on the receiving end is okay!