How unique % does a spun article need to be?


Regular Member
Mar 17, 2012
Reaction score
I hand spun my first article today and for the life of me i can't get it to be more than 74% unique. I am using to test it. At this percentage it is perfectly readable regardless of the times it is spun. I really wrote it good.

However, is 74% good enough to start using on Web 2.0 Tier 1 and blasting GSA links for Tier 2?
how do i get that high? i cant do it. i went sentence by sentence and some of them i just cant get higher than 60% or so, that is what is dragging my overall % down.

it is a 700+ word article.
You can do word by word.

The more time/work you put into it the more unique it will be.
i did go word for word. i even put in each sentence into the spinner site to check it as i was going. but some sentences just couldn't get higher than 60% or so. they just didn't have enough substance.

this article is perfectly good no matter how many times it is spun. every sentence makes sense with the next sense, etc.

so should i even worry about it?
If successfully used AB articles as Tier 1 and they aren't unique AT ALL. I don't know how long that will hold out with G, but for now it works. I think you should be fine. I've never used the free spinner you used, but if you have the ability to generate a couple hundred spins and compare uniqueness that will give you a good idea. I used ChimpRewriter for that purpose. If I can generate 100 articles that are at least 60% different across the board I'm happy.
for anyone else wondering, i figured out how to get 80-100% unique article.

in my tests you have to create 3 versions of each sentence for your article. Then spin as many words in each sentence possible. This takes a really long time, but it is giving me about a 90% unique spun article that is perfectly readable and would pass as Tier 1 content since I am hand spinning all of this myself.

in the end i should have one article i can use hundreds of places.

another tip is to include and exclude some sentences by using {this is the sentence|}. That empty space after the | means the sentence may or may not be used. I am thinking of trying this with short paragraphs too, which really mixes it up!