how to use unused domain name?


Regular Member
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
i have a .com domain name
general name not related to any niche.
it is 1 year 6 months old. with one page and is indexed.

I have three choices.
1) dump it and get keyword related domain name
2) start a video blog on auto mode
3) start another AUTOblog

i am inclined for using it on niche related video blog. not yet decided on niche.
if i have to use it for autoVideoblog.
then which free plugin you recommend for auto Video blog.
for G. this is OLD domain (1.5 year online). when you use it for autosomething :) shouldnt get banned. New domains looks always suspicious. I have never used auto video blog plugin so i will not advice but just search in download section. What PR for that domain?
PR 0

i have not used it for any purpose till now..

it has one simple page with a small quote

to avoid under construction thing.. thats it