How to use the new youtube keyword suggestion tool.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2010
Reaction score

As you certainly know, a new youtube keyword suggestion tool is available now.

We can find the most researched keywords (monthly) on Youtube itself, which is great.

However, I don't understand how to choose the good keyword(s) for the good title and tags :

1. We go on
2. Let's search for "dog training"...
3. We find keywords with a TON of monthly researches (by the Youtubers in the search engine of Youtube itself).

Monthly researches with "dog training":

dog training = 47,400
dog fights = 119,500
pitbull = 2,509,500
dog = 5,138,400

Of course these KY are very general so it is logical to find so many results.

Also there are more specific KY with less results like :

police dog training = 13,800
german shepherd training = 7,300
attack dog training = 3,400

And KY with low results...

The thing is, how to use properly this tool ?! What to choose ?

We definitely know that if I make a title (and tags) with "Pitbull" or "dog fights", we won't be able to optimize our video.

I really don't know what to do with that.

What do you suggest ?

P.S. : However, I think it is a very good idea to put the
maximum of those most researched keywords in the tags section !

It's great that they give us a keyword tool now, but it doesn't seem to solve anything. Sure it helps you optimize your tags, but outside that there's still not much you can do to optimize a youtube video, which has always bugged me. Subscribing to hopefully learn more about this beast.
Yeeeah... that was my fears :(

However for the tags section that's still a good tip.
Oh definitely, it's a step in the right direction. I'd love to see them add some section for video metadata... now that'd give us something to really optimize!
Yep... if we had more features in this tool, like a Market Samurai for Youtube, it would be soooooo easier and faster to have our video in the first spots....
... for a year or 2, maybe a little more.

A competition feature is clearly missing (like the SEOC data in the keyword research module in MS). Just with this feature, it will be... delightful ! Just this one would be enough !!!

We do agree it is a good idea to put the keywords found with the new youtube keyword suggestion tool.

Do you think it is even better to put those keywords in the description area as well ?!