How To Test Articles Against Each Other For Duplicate Content?


Mar 25, 2013
Reaction score
I have 100 articles I want to test against each other to see how unique they are from each other.

What software can do this? Thanks
I use spinnerchief III. It's pretty much the only use I have for it. Not sure if you can use it for articles that it doesn't spin.
A hundred articles, eh? My gut says to go with a proofreader if you can get one that's affordable.
A hundred articles, eh? My gut says to go with a proofreader if you can get one that's affordable.

I dont need a proofreader. I need a software that will compare all the articles against each other so I know how unique they are.

I purchased these from a provided on BHW so im trying to get rid of the articles that are not unique enough.
None of the software are as good as copyscape.. Buy Copyscape Premium they charge 5 cents per search & they have a batch tool only for premium users..
You can do one to one check using a software like DupeFree Pro. You may find a free copy of the old version on the net.
I think You should use copyscape Premium. It's advisable and very reliable.

But if you're about using this article for your top Money site, i would highly suggest and recommend you use a Proof reader.
For 100 articles,Spinnerchief is good and to check the unique content Copyscape is the best. :)
I don't think Copyscape's right for OP's needs - you only want it to only check uniqueness between the articles, right?

In which case, Ambitious12 and Mister Don are right - SpinnerChiefIII will compare articles against each other and spit out a table comparing each article against each other article and % uniqueness. (Copyscape's strength is comparing an article against the whole web, looking for plagiarized content.)

Edit: Coming to think of it, SC limits it to 10 articles at a time, doesn't it?
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Don't go for dupfree pro, its not great and will give you pain if use it (repeated result).....
Thanks for all the post, I purchased dupefree pro and it does what I need it to do but it does not let me filter/remove the articles of a certain uniqueness.

It does show the total average uniqueness across all the articles which is good, I just wish I could delete the low unique ones too.