How to Set Up a LLC in USA for Non-Residents + US Bank Account (all sources shared)


Elite Member
Jr. Executive VIP
Dec 31, 2017
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I wish you all had a great weekend.

I have seen many people in BHW asking questions about LLCs in the USA. I have been one of them in the past too.

The thing is that nobody shares their own sources publicly. Back at the time, I asked a member here on BHW (can't recall his name now) and he suggested me a service.
Guess what?! That service was a fcuking reseller and I ended up paying $500 to set up an LLC in Wyoming.

I'm not gonna share the RESELLER company, no worries lol. I'll share the main source.

The company I have used is Wyoming LLC attorney (.) com. You can set up your LLC in the US for $199.
After 1-year I paid $159 for Renew Agent Service & We File Annual Report With Our Name (Anonymous).

After setting up the company obviously you want to open a US bank account. I created a simple website for my company and applied for a bank account with Mercurey but I didn't have success. A friend of mine was accepted. So I would suggest you try Mercury first and if that doesn't work you can continue with Relayfi (.) com. They accepted my application and now I have a US bank account. I also received a Debit Business Card which Relayfi mailed to my business address (in this case Wyoming LLC attorney).
Then I used the MAIL FORWARDING service from the Wyoming LLC attorney (costs $65) and received the CARD.

If you don't need the physical Debit Card you can use the Virtual one. You can also create Virtual Debit cards for your registered employees. :)

With this LLC I also created an account Stripe account which is working like a charm.

Dont forget to fill out forms 5472 and 1120


- I still haven't used the Relayfi yet as i don't really need the bank account. So I can't tell you my experience with them. (fees, maintenance, etc)
- I also didn't do any transactions with the company so I can't tell you anything about taxes etc.


Set up an LLC in Wyoming US with Wyoming LLC attorney (.) com
Open a US bank account with Relayfi (.) com

That's all, $200 and you have your LLC set up in the US.


I have been a bit busy lately, and I couldn't reply in here.

This week I was able to open PP Merchant Account for the LLC. All you need is the EIN of the business and a WISE bank account.
Paypal made 2 transactions with the WISE account, and after confirming, the PP account is good to go.

I also made a $20 transaction to test, and it worked, but the money will be 21-days on hold as it is a new account.

Next, I will try to open a Coingate account and Clickbank, as both are not supported in my country.

Have a nice week ahead

PS. I'm not affiliated with any of those companies. Just my own experience.
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I was thinking about spending $275 - $400 on service to do this. Thank you for this, saved me $200. Do you receive an EIN Tax ID?
I paid $700 for mine. o_O For mailbox I use anytimemailbox, costs $9.99 but it’s in Colorado (its 20-30 mins from Wyoming), works just fine.
For bank account I travelled to the USA to open an account in Chase. Opened in Colorado, took 3 Chase branches, 2 said they can’t open for foreigner, then I went to the one in downtown Denver and the person there said it’s totally possible, but smaller branches are not familiar with foreigners.
Thanks for the share OP
You go for Wyoming cuz it's a tax heaven I guess? just like Delaware?
Thanks for the share OP
You go for Wyoming cuz it's a tax heaven I guess? just like Delaware?

I have used this company for years and at the time it was a much better option than Delaware. They answer a lot of questions on their site.
It's important to note that many countries will still require you to pay taxes locally, even if
your company is registered aboard and does business abroad (yes, it's stupid and I don't know how it is legal, the company is considered to be sperate from the individual so it doesn't make sense)
You might also need to pay double in accounting.