How To Post FB Reels Without Getting ShadowBanned?


Regular Member
Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score
So far I have managed to create US IP Facebook account. I have warmed it up for around 1 week but when I create a page and post reels they get shadowbanned with 0 views.

Does anyone know how to post US FB reels that don't get shadow-banned?
What IP did you used? And atleast your FB acc must have old 6 months atleast
post more videos, experiment with different times,
Post midnight within 2:30 am to 2:55am , then do not check it if it has views for at least 10 hours
To avoid getting shadowbanned on Facebook Reels, post original, engaging content, follow community guidelines, avoid spammy behavior, and use relevant hashtags appropriately.
To avoid getting shadowbanned on Facebook Reels, post original, engaging content, follow community guidelines, avoid spammy behavior, and use relevant hashtags appropriately.
Lol hashtags does nothing, and also I post movies short clips and reels are doing 50 - 100k in a day. He only needs to figure out the best timing that works for him.
Try posting other videos during peak online hours, using the # tag in the description
So far I have managed to create US IP Facebook account. I have warmed it up for around 1 week but when I create a page and post reels they get shadowbanned with 0 views.

Does anyone know how to post US FB reels that don't get shadow-banned?
You should post at different times to find out which time is most suitable for posting. When you have the right time to post, increase the quality of your content to attract more attention and reach.
Create engaging content and interact naturally with the community to increase reach and avoid being shadowbanned on Facebook.