How to make money!!!!!


Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Now-a-days its becoming very hard to earn money online. Newbies like me should get help from the senior members. They should help and guide us. Am I wrong? If we don't get support from them, we can't survive.

Hey!! honorable Senior Members.. come on...... help & guide us!!!!!
There is load of information in the make money section from Senior members, if you expect to have 1 on 1 coaching there are several members offering that in the Freelance section :)
Okay, sounds good. We don't have a problem at all with doing that. That's actually why I've spent countless hours on this site. Trying to guide noobs on making money, as well as being guided by other senior members on different ways I can make money. That's exactly what this community was and is set up for. It's a great thing huh?

Now, start reading the thousands of threads posted here by us "senior members" and start implementing them. That's your help and guidance! We've made it as easy as possible for you without coming over to your house and cooking you dinner while we show you exactly what to do.
Go and look at the job recruitment ads , and call the company and ask them got any Vacancy for job ...then go for interview... lol... should NOT use the word <SHOULD>, they are NOT obligated to help you... First YOU MUST help yourself first...

Please.....making money section has got so many money making methods...go and take some time to read it !!
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I'll tell you want i dont wanna do and thats give advice to a noob who cannot even be arsed to read whats in front of their eyes and put it into practise.

Start doing a bit of work then come and ask for advice...Dont just stand their and say 'make me money guys'
And where did this "entitlement" mentality birth itself? Just because you are a member here with a WHOPPING FOUR POSTS, senior members are REQUIRED to hold your hand and walk you a path to money?

I owe you nothing friend.

Prove yourself worthy of help and "guidance" before you start making demands for it.

Better yet, learn better etiquette before your next post when you are looking for help.
Its not something you can be thought, you learn through hard work. We are not here to spoon feed you.
Being that I read everything and spent a long time learning what I have, I can't not give credit to others for my knowledge and the success ive had because of bhw. Message me and ill help you out any way i can. I made $520 today just from e-whoring. But theres alot of info thats valuable. Good luck bro
carryout, thats very generous. But boy oh boy are you going to get a tsunami of PM's
all it takes is an idea. The better your understanding of "the system" the clearer these ideas become.

Senior members do help, and they help alot more than yor realise. Most of the information here is provided by them, without that, alot of people would be stranded.

They give this away for free, and usually it costs them profits from a method. If you were making $500 a day, would you tell people how to do it? No, you wouldn't, because you know it's wouldn't work any more due to saturation. Yet if you look, there are probably hundreds of these methods.

If you want a mentorship, shut up and shell out the $1000 an hour some people charge for 1-2-1 coaching.

Nothing is free. Deal with it.
why don't just read some techniques in here and make a twist on it to make it unique

then implement it?.
Would you like coffee or tea with that? . . . Possibly an appetizer? . . . Smoking or non-smoking? . . . lol :)

Research it's all here , how can i explain 26 + years of computer programing in a little reply help?!?
ok.i am willing to come to your home and will pick up some burgers from mcdonalds on the way or do you want something from pizzahut.
so i will be there at your home by 9 tonight then i will start teaching you to hold a mouse first and then so on.

on a serious note:why dont u go back to dp or wherever you came from.
Now-a-days its becoming very hard to earn money online. Newbies like me should get help from the senior members. They should help and guide us. Am I wrong? If we don't get support from them, we can't survive.

Hey!! honorable Senior Members.. come on...... help & guide us!!!!!

I am new to the blackhatworld. The senior members have wrote A LOT about making money in the money section of the forum! I have found out more in here than any ebook or website information league I have purchased.

What I think would help more is the newbies actually posting what they have learned through their trials and successes and give the lessons they have learned to other newbies.

The best way to learn is hands on!:yield:
ok.i am willing to come to your home and will pick up some burgers from mcdonalds on the way or do you want something from pizzahut.
so i will be there at your home by 9 tonight then i will start teaching you to hold a mouse first and then so on.

on a serious note:why dont u go back to dp or wherever you came from.

Just blew tea through my nose laughing after reading that!
Seriously mate - I am still a noob here and will be for years, but I am now making money thanks to these guys posting ideas / schemes.

Read and you will learn - if someone holds you hand every step of the way you will learn nothing......I tried ideas from here, got banned from networks (for stupid reasons), dusted myself off and have started again.

From small acorn grows the mighty oak etc etc .......

Read, read and then read some more!
Now-a-days its becoming very hard to earn money online. Newbies like me should get help from the senior members. They should help and guide us. Am I wrong? If we don't get support from them, we can't survive.

Hey!! honorable Senior Members.. come on...... help & guide us!!!!!

Some people will never make money online and my best bet is you're one of those people, but that is oke though because we need people like you to make our cheeseburgers and fries.