- Apr 3, 2011
- 725
- 659
hey, i just got accused of not giving back to bhw community
so im here to redeem myself with this method it has been used before about 2 years ago but things have moved on, since then,.
a few years ago i came across a great method of making quick money it was in this thread here
back then i did okay but mobile devices were just taking off and most of them didnt support flash,
now in 2014 wix.com use html5 that is compatible with most mobile devices so it works much better.
i dont wont to be a accused of re hashing stuff, so i suggest you still use ardley216 s method in the thread above, to put these sites to work.
im going to show you exactly how to remove those nasty wix adverts.
build your site in wix.com then view your page you just made,
right click and view source code, copy all, and paste into notepad
then to remove top advert click edit in notepad and goto find and type in smallMusa
remove this code
<script> to </script>
done thats top banner gone.
now for the bottom one
goto edit>find wixFooter
thats it all done now just name something.php and upload to your website, no ads will appear and you can charge people and build website for free, you just need hosting and a domain, or even a .cc,
people dis wix but to be honest i think they look really good sharp websites, unlike most wordpress blogs.
there you go if it helps one person then great
so im here to redeem myself with this method it has been used before about 2 years ago but things have moved on, since then,.
a few years ago i came across a great method of making quick money it was in this thread here
back then i did okay but mobile devices were just taking off and most of them didnt support flash,
now in 2014 wix.com use html5 that is compatible with most mobile devices so it works much better.
i dont wont to be a accused of re hashing stuff, so i suggest you still use ardley216 s method in the thread above, to put these sites to work.
im going to show you exactly how to remove those nasty wix adverts.
build your site in wix.com then view your page you just made,
right click and view source code, copy all, and paste into notepad
then to remove top advert click edit in notepad and goto find and type in smallMusa
remove this code
<script> to </script>
<script type="text/javascript"> var adData = {"topLabel":"<span class=\"smallMusa\">(Wix-Logo) </span>Create a <span class=\"smallLogo\">Wix</span> site!","topContent":"100s of templates<br />No coding needed<br /><span class=\"emphasis spacer\">Start now >></span>","footerLabel":"<div class=\"adFootBox\"><div class=\"siteBanner\" ><div class=\"siteBanner\"><div class=\"wrapper\"><div class=\"bigMusa\">(Wix Logo)</div><div class=\"txt shd\" style=\"color:#fff\">This site was created using </div> <div class=\"txt shd\"><a href=\"http://www.wix.com?utm_campaign=vir_wixad_live\" style=\"color:#fff\"> WIX.com. </a></div> <div class=\"txt shd\" style=\"color:#fff\"> Create your own for FREE <span class=\"emphasis\"> >></span></div></div></div></div></div>","adUrl":"http://www.wix.com/lpviral/500?utm_campaign=vir_wixad_live"};
var mobileAdData = {"footerLabel":"7c3dbd_67131d7bd5705678689be752141d4e28a.jpg","adUrl":"http://www.wix.com/"};
var usersDomain = "https://users.wix.com//wix-users"; </script>
done thats top banner gone.
now for the bottom one
goto edit>find wixFooter
<div comp="wysiwyg.viewer.components.WixAds" skin="wysiwyg.viewer.skins.wixadsskins.WixAdsWebSkin" id="wixFooter"></div>
thats it all done now just name something.php and upload to your website, no ads will appear and you can charge people and build website for free, you just need hosting and a domain, or even a .cc,
people dis wix but to be honest i think they look really good sharp websites, unlike most wordpress blogs.
there you go if it helps one person then great
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