Hey, BHW please don't come at me with the use the search bar advice, or just curse me out for being lazy and not doing anything on my own, or even tell me so spend my youth playing outside or so on. I've searched long and hard for ideas, software's, forms, mentors, ext' and have got no where. I am a very independent person and love to be able to do things on my own but unfortunately this time I can't. I'm not asking to be spoon-fed by anyone, even though it would be highly appreciated, but I need help. Anything that you think someone of my age could be able to pull off and make money off of please tell. There are a lot of ways that are easy but require being 18+. I have a lot of spare time on my hands and would like to, instead of laying around sleeping or playing games all day, put it to good use. Please help, and if you just came to my thread to bs me, please don't.