Hello guys,
2 years ago, i selled my website to another webmaster. He did nothing, only placed some GoogleAds. Now, I searched after my full name on google and found me on my old website. I dont want this and wrote the new webmaster, that he should delete my name and adress from the imprint. In germany, all commcercial website needs a impress with the owner and articelwriter information. So he does not want to delete my information.
Since he no longer works on the site, I search for an possibility to kick the imprint subsite from the Google index. My first idea was Xrumer or Scrapebox spam on pornsites but than my name is traceable on thousands of websites. Google will make nothing and I have no other ideas.
Can someone give me a tip what I can do without, best without to invest a lot of money?
The site is nearly 4 years old and not really big. On the best times I had around 600 visitors a day. Now I think there are around 10-50 visitors per day. I published around 3000 articels but did not much for SEO.
I hope you guys understand my problem.
2 years ago, i selled my website to another webmaster. He did nothing, only placed some GoogleAds. Now, I searched after my full name on google and found me on my old website. I dont want this and wrote the new webmaster, that he should delete my name and adress from the imprint. In germany, all commcercial website needs a impress with the owner and articelwriter information. So he does not want to delete my information.
Since he no longer works on the site, I search for an possibility to kick the imprint subsite from the Google index. My first idea was Xrumer or Scrapebox spam on pornsites but than my name is traceable on thousands of websites. Google will make nothing and I have no other ideas.
Can someone give me a tip what I can do without, best without to invest a lot of money?
The site is nearly 4 years old and not really big. On the best times I had around 600 visitors a day. Now I think there are around 10-50 visitors per day. I published around 3000 articels but did not much for SEO.
I hope you guys understand my problem.