How to invite all friends on facebook! Proven and Working


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Hi if your on chrome this should work. Go to your event page, hit the invite friends button. Now that the box is open that shows your friends in a list, right click anywhere on the facebook page so it brings down the drop down menu. From the menu click inspect element. Once that has opened, choose the tab called console then simply paste :

javascript:(function(){elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for(i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if(elms.type="checkbox"){elms.checked=true;if(elms.parentNode.className.indexOf("disabledCheckable")<0){;elms.parentNode.className+=" selectedCheckable";}}};})();

Hit enter, and repeat this till all your friends are selected.

A thanks goes a long way (:
javascriptfunction(){elms=document.getElementsBy Name("checkableitems[]");for(i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if(elms.type="checkbox"){elms.checked=true;if(elms.parentNode.className.indexOf("disabledCheckable") <0){;elms.parentNode.className+=" selectedCheckable";}}};})();
i have to paste all in that...

included these brackets??

it says..

syntax error-unexpected token {
Last edited:
has already been shared.

Works also with firefox 8. Just open up the invite page, show all friends. Then press shift + ctrl + k and paste in the javascript code.
Already posted before.

check above thread for working code.It worked for me.

That is for firefox, and mine is for chrome. Maybe different ppl have different needs. And i only thought of sharing something i find, so i didn't really bother much about finding it. So sorry about that.

if it doesn't work, try update your google chrome. And follow the steps again. Remember to scroll down all the way till nothing is loading. TO check version of chrome, click the tool>About Google chrome

A Thanks goes a long way! (:
It gave Syntax error.

I copy paste from the one inside the [ code ] tag.
those code always will work and wil lbe fixed after some time. the best way to bypass it everytime dosent matter what facebook wll do is to use a macro extention or a program like i macro and use it... a bit slower but allways works.
There's an extension for google chrome that's 100% working right now that does the same thing.