Junior Member
- Apr 19, 2009
- 199
- 73
hello my bhw friends! I will show you a trickery way of cloaking aff links.
Some of your guys cloaking solutions is buying a domain, using tiny url ,etc.
but let me tell you the problem with this type of cloaking. If you use a separate domain or link users will think its fishy because its not the url or title of the actual website.
So to fix this here is a low budget idea of making the user think they are going to the actual real page. so listen up
lets say you are an affiliate for hxxp://link.com
your affiliate link is hxxp://link.com?12343/clcik
(whos going to click on this uglyness) you want to mask it so the users think there going to the actual real site
so you take your affiliate link and you embedd in anchor text of hxxp://link.com (without xx) but the site the anchor text is really linking too is your aff link.
however the user is really being navigated too your affiliate link, but they think they were guided link.com because thats what they clicked on. Once there on the page even if they do look at the url(which most dont notice) they wont suspect anything because they feel as if its the actual site.
I hope this helps everyone here.
best regards
Some of your guys cloaking solutions is buying a domain, using tiny url ,etc.
but let me tell you the problem with this type of cloaking. If you use a separate domain or link users will think its fishy because its not the url or title of the actual website.
So to fix this here is a low budget idea of making the user think they are going to the actual real page. so listen up
lets say you are an affiliate for hxxp://link.com
your affiliate link is hxxp://link.com?12343/clcik
(whos going to click on this uglyness) you want to mask it so the users think there going to the actual real site
so you take your affiliate link and you embedd in anchor text of hxxp://link.com (without xx) but the site the anchor text is really linking too is your aff link.
however the user is really being navigated too your affiliate link, but they think they were guided link.com because thats what they clicked on. Once there on the page even if they do look at the url(which most dont notice) they wont suspect anything because they feel as if its the actual site.
I hope this helps everyone here.
best regards