How to get unlimited $100 Bing and $50 Facebook ad credits with a bit of effort.


Oct 14, 2012
Reaction score
Today, I am going to share info for free.

A long time ago, probably like a year ago, some may recall I was banging my head around and hunting for $100 and $200 of bing ad credits.
I am always interested in free ad credits.

Recently I found that by going to AstraGate Domains Services, and purchasing the cheapest hosting package they got, you get $100 of Bing ad credits and $50 of Facebook Ad credits.

Well, that led me to AstraGate Resell. Once a member of AstraGate Resell, which is totally different than AstraGate Domain Services, then you can basically purchase the hosting packages for $1.53 and get $100 of Bing Ad credits and $50 FB credits for each hosting package you buy.

Trick, but legit.
Here are the things you would need to do once you got your membership with AstraGate Resell.
Wait, first let me explain what you get with AstraGate Resell, otherwise what I explain will get confusing.

Intro: Once you are part of AstraGate Resell, you basically get an instant full business operation through which you get the absolute lowest prices on hosting, domain names, search engines, SEO, etc. Keep that in mind as I explain, because you will need to undersand the different levels of access involved. Also, the membership is just $90 per year.

1) you get a membership with AstraGate Resell. Once you got your reseller account, which is pretty much instantly, along with your full business site (this means you are now a big domain registration company and a hosting company yourself), then
2) go to your site given to you by AstraGate Resell, and
3) create a customer account.
4) Make a note of the Customer Number you get at your reseller website (which is your own brand name and does not show anything of AstraGate).
5) Logout of the new account you made at your reseller site.
6) Go into your back office of AstraGate Resell and Lookup the Customer Number you got.
7) Set that Customer to DISCOUNTED.
8) Logout of the AstraGate Resell back office.
9) Login as the customer account at your own branded domain registration and hosting company (the reseller site you got from AstraGate Resell), and you will see all the prices have been set to cost (wholesale prices/reseller prices).
10) Now you buy a hosting package at $1.53 from yourself, and that account gets $100 of Bing Ads and $50 of Facebook ads to make use of. You can now couple those with new accounts you make at Bing Ads and Facebook.

Create as many new customer accounts as you want through your own domain registration and hosting business that you now have through AstraGate Resell.

I tried to explain the above as well as I could to not make it confusing. Hopefully it is understood by all. I suspect some already know of this. Searching for "AstraGate Resell" on Bing or Google search engines should pretty much take you directly there.

Most will use the knowledge for their own usage, but I suspect some of you will use it to make a business of it to sell Bing and Facebook credits.
I would like to see a second opinion on this trick.

If anyone had tried it?
How about I register as customer in your AstraGate Resell account and buy hosting for $1.53 ?
So it is $90 / year + $1.53 for each voucher. So usually you can buy them for $5 each so would have to create 26 of them to break even with that offer. How many did you test yet, given the site does look horrendous and not very legit (old domain name but thats about it)
This sounds sneaky but smart, if it works - awesome stuff!
Bing Ads coupons available, up to $1000 for the same account.
Add my Skype: microcon2
I will try it. Thank you for sharing !
Also, sorry, I forgot to mention that that $1.53 is paid for a 12 month period, and so it is not just a single 1.53, but 1.53 x12. If you need the hosting, or disk space, or bandwidth anyways, then the $150 in ad credits is just a big bonus. Especially, if you need many separate hosting accounts, reasons for are not disclosed. ;)

Although, know you get $300 to $500 of other free things as a member of AGR which easily make up for it, and if you are someone that has lots, and lots of domain names, then the wholesale domain name prices saves you a ton each year too.

When I think about it more, I don't know if it makes sense for all, but for those that need a regular flow of hosting accounts and domain names, then it is fantastic. The 100GB of space and unlimited bandwidth saves money. Plus, money is made through the reseller business, and AGR staff takes care of all the work. The savings on domain names, hosting, SSL certs, SEO, and not to mention the PPC click revenue on parked domains (gotten only with the $169 membership plan), easily make up for any costs. The 169 membership plan is what I had made use of and so my info is based on that really.

It is a lot to explain, and some cannot be mentioned, and probably the easiest way is to just become a member and explore and experiment, and if it does not work out then cancel and get a full refund. If you are serious about doing the reseller business or doing lots of domain names, then I suggest getting the 169 plan to get the ppc revenue generation too. Warning though, abuse of their PPC revenue generation gets your PPC privileges turned off permanently. So, do not push your luck with the PPC (for those who know what I mean).
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How about I register as customer in your AstraGate Resell account and buy hosting for $1.53 ?

Interesting idea. I may try this with one person and see how it works out, and if goes well, then expand it for others for a fee. I will contact you after today. I am busy for a couple of days at least and so not really available, and barely available for online communication this week.

I just sent you the following, and posting here for others too see too.:

I think your idea may work. I updated my post, as I forgot to mention that the cost would be 1.53 x12, and so about $18 for a year of cpanel 100GB hosting with unlimited bandwidth. I have been calculating on a monthly based cost, with all the other free things included, and so it made lots of sense. Everything I do I calculate as a monthly cost. If you don't want all the other benefits of AGR, and discounts, and revenue generation, and don't even need the hosting, then I don't think it makes sense. If you need at least the hosting service, then the huge savings on hosting is worth it, and the $150 ad credits is a big extra.

Let me know what you think, and what you think would be a fair fee to give someone access to a discounted account without becoming a member of AGR.

I don't know if there are limitations on the number of discounted accounts, and so if it turns out to be the case, then maybe discounted access could be given for a set period of something like 3 months to do whatever or get whatever you want. Note that a discounted account gets you discounts on everything, and not just the hosting. Meaning, all domain names around the world, SSL, SEO optimization, business services, marketing services, emails, shopping carts, merchant accounts, and so on are all discounted along with all hosting and dedicated servers.
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Updates and also sharing PM responses in case others have similar questions.
I've been very busy. So much happening for me. I think I am working 12 to 14 hours a day (involved in various things). Just so much opportunity and so much to do. :juggle:

Someone asked, "Wondering how you select 1 month hosting instead of 3 months which is the minimum."
3 months is the minimum starting selection. However, monthly does become available after the 3 month period, but the initial has a minimum of 3 months.

There is a lot more I would like to post to the thread, but just too busy to follow-up on it.

I have gotten a hold of a $25 DISCOUNT on AstraGate Resell's reseller plan of Pro, for new orders. I am not sure if I am allowed to post the information publicly, as it was given privately to someone else. So, if you want the code, PM me. I've gotten confirmation that it works, but I also know it will be valid for only a short period and when it will stop working is unknown. Please be patient for any responses from me, and know that it could be a while before I respond due to my busy schedule.

If anyone has a better promo code discount, share please.
From a PM message:
Is it possible to get the coupons by purchasing under your reseller?

Response, since others have similar question:

Yes, it is possible. I would not be making any money from it, unless you paid me something separately.
So, you would still need to purchase something like 3 months of hosting at my cost price of something like 1.53 (so 1.53x3) and pay me some fee that you think is fair. Let me know how much you think is fair to pay me to get a discounted account? Although, I am not sure if it is worth the trouble for me, and plus I am trying to keep the reseller account brand separate from me here.

You could also purchase a Pro or Basic reseller plan from AstraGate Resell, and get the $100 Google credits, and $50 Facebook Credits, and then when you purchase hosting from your own discounted account under your own reseller account, then you get the $100 Bing credits too.
It can take 2 or 3 days before the credits show on your account for usage.

Here is Promo Code that gets you a $25 discount on the Pro reseller plan. #########. You are welcome to share the code with others in a private manner.
The awesome thing about the Pro reseller plan is that you make money from clicks on links on automatic search result pages made for newly purchased domain names. So, every time a customer of yours or yourself purchases a domain name, it gets a website page created for it that gets populated with, I think, Google search results based on the domain name, and when anyone visits that domain and sees those links, and clicks on one, you make money. I can tell you a lot of money can be made; well more than the annual fee that is paid to AstraGate Resell. Much, much more $ made via PPC than paid to AGR as a annual membership fee. If you are able to make good money via the PPC revenue from AGR, then the annual fee to AGR will be nothing to you. WARNING though, if they detect the slightest abuse of the clicks from you, or see auto generated clicks, or fake clicks of any kind, then they will permanently disable the PPC revenue on your reseller account, and it will never get turned back on.

You could also post a request on the thread for others to offer you a discounted account through their reseller accounts, as there are others who may want to offer that service to you too.

UPDATE to above post:

Is it possible to get the coupons by purchasing under your reseller? Let me know I'd be interested as Im looking for coupons

In my last response, above, I assumed the question meant getting the coupons via discounted purchase of an item. I realized the question does not say that, and he/she might be asking to get the coupons (credits) in whatever means possible. That is easy. Simply go to AstraGate Domain Services (AGDS) instead, and click on Web Hosting, and purchase from there. If you only want the $100 Bing and $50 Facebook credits (coupons), and not the $100 Google credit (coupon) too, then simply buying the cheapest hosting at Astragate Domain Services will work for you. You would be paying retail price at AGDS, and not what has been discussed in this thread.
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Why Not Try They will allow to create Monthly account and $49.95/yr . As i know you can create Unlimited accounts with Discounts $2.95/mo .. Share if anyone have more idea about Ipage or other Reseller
Hey poster, AstraGate Resell is a godaddy/wildwestdomain super reseller, and it is not true that you can get a free fb ang bingads coupon, GD stopped sending coupon code 2 years ago. I don't know if you are the owner of AstraGate Resell?