How To Get The Whois Data For 94 Sites? ( is Blocking Me)


Power Member
Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
I'm spying on 3 active, highly effective PBN's right now.

Each PBN is between 90-240 sites big.

These guys are ranking for some very valuable money terms and I find it's much easier to learn about effective PBN practices by spying on successful marketers online. It really helps filter through a lot of the gibberish on here.

None of these dudes are blocking ahrefs.

So I'm gonna use fiver to get an ahrefs report for each PBN. Then I wanna browse through their PBN to see how everything's put together.

But afterwards, I wanna get a whois report for every site. I started off doing 3 whois searches manually. Then the 4th PBN site they threw out a captcha and I solved it manually. Then they threw out 8 more captchas and didn't allow me to check any more sites. Which is bullshit. I'm not a bot. Not using proxies. I don't why is stonewalling me with nonstop captchas.

So I went to fiver and typed in "whois" thinking someone may have a service offering whois reports. They don't. And now I'm not sure what to do.

I just want to compile all the whois data into a spread sheet & see all the hosts that are being used. To get an approx ratio on each host. See their DNS, emails, names/fake names, etc. I'll help me a lot to see exactly how experienced marketers set up their hosting so I can model what they're doing.

Right now I just wanna start with the first PBN which is 94 sites. Does anyone know why whois is blocking me and how I can get the whois data for all 94 sites?


You've probably used up your free quota of lookups for the day - they want you to buy a paid account.

Maybe try a vpn service and multiple whois checking sites. Once you use the quota for one site, start using the next. Once you've burned through all your qoutas, change your IP address and start again.
use the following:


And, leave my PBN's alone :p
If you're running a Linux operating system or own a VPS/Dedicated server, you should be able to do a whois lookup directly from the terminal without any issues.

Otherwise, you could use "". Just type in the address bar, and it will pull it up. There's ways to do things in bulk too. Like using Scrapebox for example, if you scraped all the domains, throw them into your keywords and then merge "" so then you have the whois URL for all of the websites. Then you can copy those URLs and throw them into a bulk URL opener or something. There's all sorts of possibilities and I haven't really had any issues with

Good luck!

I use it daily for about 20-30 times and never got any capatcha.
You could get a scraped proxy list and turn a VA loose on it for a few hours. The cost would be
minimal when it's all said and done.

^ And this folks is why you don't provide reports and block most SEO tool crawlers. ;)
Depends on what OS you are running. If you are running some distro of Linux, then type whois site.tld.

If you are running some variant of windows then download and install whois from sysinternals at:

or from Nirsoft at:

For windows after extracting the program, either move the exe and dll to ssytem32 or add to global path.

Then refer to the beginning of whois site.tld.

If running OSX then as Linux.

You do not need some website. I prefer the tool from sysinternal.

If you also want to install Dig for windows, then follow the instructions at:
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Maybe use tor browser and switch between IDs after every check.