Either I've been in the dark for years on this and just clueless, or I'm right on the money and facebook
just doesn't care or want to make things more intuitive.
The biggest pet peeve I've had on FB either my personal profile or my FB groups is deleting and removing shit.
Facebook doesn't have a multi-select option for deletion. I remember searching for something like this years ago
cuz I wanted to know how to delete 4,000 people and found out you can only do it one by one LOL.
Well it's the same with FB group messages. I have like 15,000 pending messages that I don't want to approve of.
Rather than to keep clicking on "remove" and a couple more clicks 15,000 x 3 = 45,000 clicks and wait time
could take weeks just sitting in front of the computer waiting for each click to load and complete is asinine!
You'd think these smart programmers would have a way to just simply multi-select 100 (anything) and at one click
get rid of it all. But no, you have to actually manually click each post one by one and it takes about 3 clicks per 1 post
to actually remove it (cuz FB asks you other questions and stuff which is dumb).
There should even be an option where you can just click "X" one time and it gets deleted. None of the dumb
questions asking like, "are you sure?" or "what reason or policy did they violate?" etc.
So I don't bother to waste anytime to manually go through all the pending posts and delete them one by one. I just
scroll through the list and only select the ones I want to approve. As for the rest, they just pile up there for ETERNITY
and the number will keep growing.
What exactly does facebook think we're gonna do? Spend our summer vacation time to come back and check all
15,000 posts and delete them one by one? LOL.
There should be a way to delete / remove comments, posts, message, etc with multi-select OR even with just a single click
and not REFRESH/RELOAD the entire page again.
Another pet peeve! Some options like deleting photos is like that. If you scrolled down to like the 250th photo and you want
to delete it, after 3 clicks it reloads/refreshes the page all the way back up to photo 1!!! WTH? Now you have to scroll all the way
back to 251 to continue where you left off. OMFG.
just doesn't care or want to make things more intuitive.
The biggest pet peeve I've had on FB either my personal profile or my FB groups is deleting and removing shit.
Facebook doesn't have a multi-select option for deletion. I remember searching for something like this years ago
cuz I wanted to know how to delete 4,000 people and found out you can only do it one by one LOL.
Well it's the same with FB group messages. I have like 15,000 pending messages that I don't want to approve of.
Rather than to keep clicking on "remove" and a couple more clicks 15,000 x 3 = 45,000 clicks and wait time
could take weeks just sitting in front of the computer waiting for each click to load and complete is asinine!
You'd think these smart programmers would have a way to just simply multi-select 100 (anything) and at one click
get rid of it all. But no, you have to actually manually click each post one by one and it takes about 3 clicks per 1 post
to actually remove it (cuz FB asks you other questions and stuff which is dumb).
There should even be an option where you can just click "X" one time and it gets deleted. None of the dumb
questions asking like, "are you sure?" or "what reason or policy did they violate?" etc.
So I don't bother to waste anytime to manually go through all the pending posts and delete them one by one. I just
scroll through the list and only select the ones I want to approve. As for the rest, they just pile up there for ETERNITY
and the number will keep growing.
What exactly does facebook think we're gonna do? Spend our summer vacation time to come back and check all
15,000 posts and delete them one by one? LOL.
There should be a way to delete / remove comments, posts, message, etc with multi-select OR even with just a single click
and not REFRESH/RELOAD the entire page again.
Another pet peeve! Some options like deleting photos is like that. If you scrolled down to like the 250th photo and you want
to delete it, after 3 clicks it reloads/refreshes the page all the way back up to photo 1!!! WTH? Now you have to scroll all the way
back to 251 to continue where you left off. OMFG.