How to get google to change your meta description


Regular Member
Oct 10, 2008
Reaction score
Hi BHers..
I messed up my description tags for the search engines when i made a wordpress showed all my posts as having the same description(which was the general description of the blog)
I have however sorted it out with the all in one seo plugin... and i have also checked all my pages with online meta tag analyzers and they seem fine..

The thing is...its been like 6 days and google hasnt updated my descriptions!

I think im losing out on rankings because of it.... coz only my latest post is ranking well...(the one which i posted after rectifying the prob)

any idea how i can get google to change it?
All you need to do is to add a sitemap and submit it to google and google will automatically crawl all your pages again and will update the pages in the search engine. But this will take some time all depends on the ranking of your website.
Yeah, it's just a matter of time. The just update your blog a few times over the next week and the change will occur. Since you're using WordPress, if you're not already, definitely use this plug-in:

It will make the process described in the post above mine much easier and you'll get indexed considerably more quickly than you would without it. Also, remember to ping aggregators like Technorati. They'll help bring the spiders in too.
my advice to you would to obtain All-in-one-seo pack, install and configure it well to make the necessary change (BUT make sure you KEEP the links as the SAME)
obtain the site-map generator plug in and make some frequent posts in the next few weeks
the site map plugin will generate and ping G with the new generated site map each time you make a change, the aios package will fix things up, in about 4-6 weeks everything should be very OK with no problems at all with G
tested the same problem before and made the previous steps, everything is OK since then
Thank you for the fast answers...
I already have all in one seo fact thats what I used to get my meta tags in order....I have submitted the sitemaps like you said using the well as a manual submit through the google webmaster tools...
Waiting anxiously now....
Yes, patience, and keep blogging.

If you dont create new posts or build links google will not visit your site any time soon...

Important to note: as far as Google is concerned, if you are talking about indivual blog posts, they generally do not change over time. Once someone posts a blogpost and it is indexed, perhaps as few as 1 in 100 blogposts will ever be updated, so there is not need to index old blogposts more than say, once a month, compared to indexing new blog posts instantly.
all my blog posts target a specific long tail keyword in that niche.... and the website/blog was built to target only those keywords... It has succeeded in the ones with the proper description... but is lagging in the 2nd and 3rd pages for the ones with the same blog description.
You say blog posts rarely change... is there a way i can make em change?... would you recommend editing the text a little...would this help?... i badly need to get the descriptions sorted...
Dont worry about it, g00g!e does not cache your site every time it visits it. therefore if you just give it time it will soon update itself.
UPDATE: Thank you for helpin....
My descriptions have changed accordingly and my site is ranking!
I submitted the sitemap and kept updating the site with new posts and it worked!