How to get bulk email addresses of Condo's in local city - willing to pay..


Registered Member
May 7, 2009
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Was wondering if anyone here would be able to advise of the following:

I'm setting up a review site where condo owners can submit their apartment building to be listed for free or for a small price as a featured listing.

I know there's certain software that can harvest email addresses from contact pages on the websites of these apartment buildings or maybe there is a fast track way to search specifically for a "contact us" email address in a search box.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Willing to pay if there's a good service out there but will have to wait till 15th when mn and mh pay me,

Wait a minute i read this wrong can someone delete this.
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You'll probably want some custom crawler, if you want something written for you, PM me and we can talk details/price, or you can look in the freelance forum, it might be worth doing it manually if you require a very small amount(less then 500~ addies probably, not more).