How to get a FREE seedbox


Junior Member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
1. go to the link
2. click on create an imageshack account.


3. fill your email and name :

4. then you will get the information to login to your mail:

5. go to youe email - and open the mail - put in the registration link and do registration , then use your acc details and login:



Now we have acc in

now we will learn how to download torrent fill and use it, after you login you will see this page:
1. to use torrent file go to "Download Torrents"


in the next pic you can see all the steps that you can do:


that's all for now !
I hope it help you in using the new disk spcae of
I know I sound Naive ... buw how do you make money from seedboxes?
Hmmmm anybody else having trouble with this, I can't seem to get this going.
errr... what message? In general.. or thats how you actually make money?

You add a pay-per-install .exe into a given program installation or anything that the user is going to execute. Then you seed a torrent with the program and when someone install the program you earn.

But you need to really seed, not just half dozen downloads. Then you can make some bread. Soo you use a seedbox.

Got it?
refrud.. please read the torrent thread.. you will find a whole lot of method to generate money from there..

btw, nice info you have there domzz.. i was just figure this out when my seedbox is dead..
You could use it with your private seedbox to boost the speed. + sign up with different accounts.
Imageshack is good if want to download stuff.But after downloading it does not seed the files.It just stops after uploading a portion.And there is no way u can go on seeding in Imageshack.Its more of a "leechbox" rather than a "seedbox".I don't know if that's the case with the paid subscriptions, I have only used their free service.
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I can upload a torrent of any size to 1:1 ratio, good for freeleech/ratiofree torrent.