How to find porn videos to reupload without copyright infringment?

Seen you around the forum, didn't think you had an attempt at being a pornstar.

But to answer your questions, it's simple, just send a DMCA to the site and they'll take it down.
No pornstar, just young, horny and discovering the internets

I know it's a matter of DMCA, was more a rhetorical question, as in people who upload personal videos are just for laughs, nobody gives a flying fuck if someone else is reuploading those
I was working on a bot which scraped videos from other sites did minor edits and uploaded it to a larger porno site then stopped as I got worried about the bot uploading illegal content.
No pornstar, just young, horny and discovering the internets

I know it's a matter of DMCA, was more a rhetorical question, as in people who upload personal videos are just for laughs, nobody gives a flying fuck if someone else is reuploading those

Try everything once I guess.

But what I was trying to say is that you don't need to hire an agency or be a big corporation to send in DMCA complaints.
If they don't take the content down, you can send in a complaint to the hosting provider and if you get the same result there you will have to complain to the ISP.
I have tried out many types of videos. Some very old, low-quality, compilations, very short videos, some tiktok and onlyfans clips and so on (without the watermark of course).
They take my videos down very randomly, I can't specify at all what kind of videos I should upload. Can anyone help or give some advice?

And yes, I am doing the old-fashioned "porn reupload method" and it's not dead, say what you say.
how to earn money from porn ?
Hey Helanderio what's up with your website ? i'm still news , i have a tube site but hard to find traffic..
contact me if u want
adrian made a sooo much good work with his cpa business than now everybodies think he was actually leaking a secret technic to make money... no he was doing cpa marketing and probably made alottttt of money out of it while you still think that was a leaked technic to make bank
in fact, it's very simple to download porn on a site that you watch normally with a link censor the necessary places with your video editor and trim the initial brand promotion part :)
Is there any chance Against big guys like hub, xvid, redtube, xnxx etc. So many of them. People will just direct search them and visit. Unless you got some rare niche and they dont have them.
I also would like to know this.
You can do a reupload, but the big tube sites have very strict conditions. But in the database there are more than 300 adult tube sites where you can upload without any special requirements. You automatically create profiles on tube sites with Tube Sites Submitter and then upload videos there. If you have any questions let me know.
You can avoid copyright if you do proper editing, pixelation, size, audio, color and few other things, then their algorithm can't find you, but if they report your video manually it will be taken down, so your best bet is to avoid uploading on big sites, but remember with these videos you can make a lot of money on many different ways, not just reupload which is waste of time nowadays. There are way way better things to do with those videos.
You can avoid copyright if you do proper editing, pixelation, size, audio, color and few other things, then their algorithm can't find you, but if they report your video manually it will be taken down, so your best bet is to avoid uploading on big sites, but remember with these videos you can make a lot of money on many different ways, not just reupload which is waste of time nowadays. There are way way better things to do with those videos.
Can you tell us details HOW?
Can you tell us details HOW?
I can't tell you exactly how because it took me months of testing to finally find how to avoid DMCA algo, but the things I've mentioned are the things you need to change and are your starting ground.
I can also tell you that I use premiere pro for editing.
You can avoid copyright if you do proper editing, pixelation, size, audio, color and few other things, then their algorithm can't find you, but if they report your video manually it will be taken down, so your best bet is to avoid uploading on big sites, but remember with these videos you can make a lot of money on many different ways, not just reupload which is waste of time nowadays. There are way way better things to do with those videos.
Can you give a hint regarding other methods?
I have tried out many types of videos. Some very old, low-quality, compilations, very short videos, some tiktok and onlyfans clips and so on (without the watermark of course).
They take my videos down very randomly, I can't specify at all what kind of videos I should upload. Can anyone help or give some advice?

And yes, I am doing the old-fashioned "porn reupload method" and it's not dead, say what you say.
step 1 screen record the video
step 2 mute the video
step 3 crop the video (any logo or website name)
step 4 add sexy voices in background (you can detach voice from other videos and add in this)
step 5 enjoy uploading you won't have any issue 99%