How to find niches on social networking sites?


Junior Member
Feb 11, 2015
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Hi everybody, I would like to know if it's possible to get a list of facebook (or Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn...) users with similar interests and how to do it? I want to get bigger the list of my site's followers on twitter, likes on facebook, etc...
You can extract the users from fan pages related to any niche. They have like the page cause they have an interest in it.
For twitter check the related niche profile and follow those people On Facebook this option isn't their, but commenting on related niches will give some followers to your fan page.

You can get a list, but you can't force them to follow your page.
for facebook try this graph search:
people who joined group_name
people who like fanpage_name

you can find interests, just search for "interest"
Tools are being made and tools to beat those tools are on the drawing boards. The CoolAdvisor came with the allspark. Your next move should be the tool Interest Architect. Just watching its presentation will show you are headed in the right direction.
Honestly, I have no fucking idea whatever you are talking about. CoolAdvisor!? tool Interest Architect!?

Am the only one here who thinks his post is just bananas.

CoolAdvisor is me ;)
And he meant what was uncovered here is just a tip of the iceberg.
Think about interest intersects. You can find people who like motorcycles and surfing:
"people who like motorcycles and surf"
Just as an example.

Interest architect, I googled it, it's a promising tool, maybe I'll try it.
if you just study hard you get there, i am currently studding the footprints of ever think really.

footprints from Google to get the result's you ever need.

millions of people dont even no about a footprint but onece you learn the basics and then advance your be amazed at what you and Google can scrape up.

fooot prints are used in all applications to get the info needed from Google then passed back to you.

ask any internet marketer who wants to really make it, studying foot prints is defently a way forward in earing huge money.
for facebook try this graph search:
people who joined group_name
people who like fanpage_name

you can find interests, just search for "interest"

Hi CoolAdvisor, could you please explain me how to use this graph search? I didn't find anything related. Thnx!