how to find long tail keywords and rank for them


Elite Member
Jul 26, 2016
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Hi there, I'm actually stuck on some problems with long tail keywords, finding them it's easier than ranking for them. For example I've made a post about "how to find all guest posts by an author", there's no post about this and related like it, but when I search it on google that query it shows some results that have to do only with guest posting, not with all my URL.
When a search would return very few results, Google substitutes it for a more popular and similar phrase.

If you wish to find your phrase you need to use "search verbatin" under the search options.
Hi there, I'm actually stuck on some problems with long tail keywords, finding them it's easier than ranking for them. For example I've made a post about "how to find all guest posts by an author", there's no post about this and related like it, but when I search it on google that query it shows some results that have to do only with guest posting, not with all my URL.

Hi, @claysmithpc. Are you saying that the article you wrote, entitled "how to find all guest posts by an author", did not appear on Google's SERPs?
If so, did you check if your blog post was already crawled by Google?
There is a great tool called LSIGraph - I think that Neil Patel created it, check it out. It will generate you pretty good keywords
Well, just pick the few words from your title. For example, your title is “How to find all guest posts by an author”. So, pick only “Guest posts” or “Guest posts by author” or “How to find all guest posts” then put these words into Google keyword planner or some other keyword generator tool. You will get long tail keywords definitely, but while choosing the long tail keywords, check their search volume and CPC. It’s Important. You can try tool as its long tail keyword research tool. After finding good keywords, create contents around your keywords and do some off-page techniques.
You must concentrate on choosing title..long tail keyword is an easy Way To make the Rank In SERP.. "How to Find guest posts by author" .. Here search engine concentrate only on main keyword "Guest Post" .. So you have to concentrate on choosing keywords...
Hi there, I'm actually stuck on some problems with long tail keywords, finding them it's easier than ranking for them. For example I've made a post about "how to find all guest posts by an author", there's no post about this and related like it, but when I search it on google that query it shows some results that have to do only with guest posting, not with all my URL.

Jeez ive never seen so many different responses to one message. Look the reason why people rank long tail keywords is with the "Hope" that it will be easier to catch more people out. Your broadening your search terms to catch the rest of the people the big guys don't care about. To find if your Url is indexed just type in google

site:"your url"

if it doesn't show up it's not indexed. New sites take a few days to show up i average around 3 days for a fresh new site where as new posts on the ranked sites will show up within 24 hrs.

as for your so called keyword "how to find all guest posts by an author"

there are lots of responses to this not "exact" but still showing up as for "quoted" it's showing 65 then again who normally searches for keywords like "bottom" unless they really need something exact.... But all this does not matter at all. Personally i don't think i would have ever googled that terminology. So what your going to want to find out is, is anyone else googling it? there is no point in ranking a keyword that brings in 50 people per month. That just a waste of time and resources, you would only do this if you were expecting it to flourish in a few months. Just remember some pages will rank organically and in this case that's probably the only thing you need to do with that kind of keyword.
Select your raw keywords first before selecting your final long tail keywords. A right selection will help you get the right rank.
There is not a real difference between targeting short tail and long tail keywords, however I do recommend the following points:

  • Use long titles with more than 40 characters but make it no longer than 70 as it may be shortened by search engines
  • Consider a meta description with less that 156 characters but mention your target long tail target keyword once there
  • Use your long tail keyword in your article various times but be careful. Too many repetitions could be considered as a black hat. There's no real guideline for it but I do not recommend more than 4.5% keyword density. It means that in an article with 2000 words, not more than 8 or 9 times of repititions
  • Use your long tail keyword in the first paragraph and preferably at the start of it.
  • Use H1 and H2 tags for paragraphs containing the long tail keyword.
  • Consider backlinks. But their importance is overstated by most of the SEO specialists. I own many competitive keywords without these backlinks. Backlink is an old story and people have so much cheated and abused it that most of the search engines do not give it a high weight now. Instead:
  • Consider a few links to the other domains and some internal links engines love content clouds, not some kind of topic born out of no-where and related to nothing! Isolated content islands are not loved by them anymore.
  • Consider forelinks seriously. which links are you suggesting in your article. Are they really useful for the audience? Or you are just trying to cheat them to click somewhere and buy rank for you? the best link (no matter outgoing or inside your blog) is a link which user clicks and goes there and stays there for a long time. It would mean for search engines that you make valid and useful recommendations.
And as everyone knows but forgets to say: You can throw all above recommendations away but consider the core rule of SEO:

Write an original useful content having satisfaction and smile of the user in your mind. All the other things will be done automatically without this dirty tricks.

Awesome answer. Onpage and offpage is necessary. Social signals are a huge help nowadays as well. I say treat every site like a money site. If your going to backlink get PBN's with authority that are relevant. You can also white hat things and find content which is in the same niche you are trying to rank for and scan them for broken links. Reach out to the webmasters of the broken links and suggest your link if it is relevant.

Write an original useful content having satisfaction and smile of the user in your mind. All the other things will be done automatically without this dirty tricks.

Are you Reza by chance ?
Learn how to research and and use long tail keyword terms in your campaigns. ... at first, but they can be hugely valuable if you know how to use them. ... long-tail keywords in your AdWords campaigns, you can get higher ad rankings on ...
Use LongTail Keyword, this is good to find long tail keywords.

And ranking depends on Quality Content, On Page - Off Page SEO, Etc...
Keyword Supremecy is also a great way to get KW data. Targeting LT makes it easier to rank for the ST versions. Onpage is crucial to this as well as anchor ratios. If you just do onpage right you will most likely be in the top 100 without links. I always filter my short tails to the most profitable. And point longtail pages to my short tail money KW pages in a silo fashion.