I have a tracker code by the javascript code
This code above will return an image, I go check my Page Dependencies under MEDIA and find the image path, when i key it in at my address bar and GO/Press Enter, (means load the image), the stats will increase.
so i actually went modified the code and put at my site (not the actual logging site), as below
But it's don't work or increase the views/visitor, assuming watata.us is the site.
I tried to hardcore it but the stats won't add, does the log only add when the code is place at the "site itself" and call at the target site itself" e.g
THE tracking for watata.US will only add when call at watata.US?
But i tried copy the image path (Page Info) of the tracker cause they add by the image, and i enter it at my address bar and the page view increasing.
How do i work around with this code? Thanks.
The view/visitor will INCREASE when i call(enter the url at address bar and press ENTER)
the image path which is generate on the watata.us
<!--LiveInternet counter--><script type="text/javascript"><!--
document.write("<a href='http://www.liveinternet.ru/click' "+
"target=_blank><img src='http://counter.yadro.ru/hit?t44.6;r"+
"' alt='' title='LiveInternet' "+
"border=0 width=31 height=31></a>")//--></script><!--/LiveInternet-->
This code above will return an image, I go check my Page Dependencies under MEDIA and find the image path, when i key it in at my address bar and GO/Press Enter, (means load the image), the stats will increase.
so i actually went modified the code and put at my site (not the actual logging site), as below
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<iframe src='http://counter.yadro.ru/hit?t44.6;r;s1680*1050*32;uhttp%3A//www.watata.us/;"+Math.random()+"' width=1 height=1")
But it's don't work or increase the views/visitor, assuming watata.us is the site.
I tried to hardcore it but the stats won't add, does the log only add when the code is place at the "site itself" and call at the target site itself" e.g
THE tracking for watata.US will only add when call at watata.US?
But i tried copy the image path (Page Info) of the tracker cause they add by the image, and i enter it at my address bar and the page view increasing.
How do i work around with this code? Thanks.
The view/visitor will INCREASE when i call(enter the url at address bar and press ENTER)
the image path which is generate on the watata.us