How to determined if an expired domain has been redirected?


Regular Member
Mar 15, 2015
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Does anyone have a method to determine if an expired domain name has been redirected?
Where in Archive? Do you mean if the site looks completely different year after year? What should I look for in archive? I usually use wayback to see if there are any Chinese text, pages, etc.
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Archive(dot)org helps you see few old pages of that expire domain.
If that domain was redirected, It will show you a message definitely. is the best bet... wait for the page to load... if it was redirected it will show up a message in the start.. if you have opened up multiple snapshots, check in the url once the snapshots have completed loading.. if the domain/url in the snapshot is different from the domain name then it was redirected.. if it is redirected to an inner page of the website, it is not much of an issue if you know to use it wisely but the problem is in case of external 301 redirection
A 301 message or just an error that the page doesnt exist? I have looked at some domains on there before and it had an error
Check the Screenshot site too, i have found many sites in archive where it showed everything good but screenshot had a different story. So checking both would be a good idea.