How to Control a Girl's Mind LOL:D

Hey, english is not my first language, I understand almost everything but can someone tell my what is the word he is talking about?

Anyway great vid!
money = can control everything including girls mind.. hehehe :D
nice video :)
Hey, english is not my first language, I understand almost everything but can someone tell my what is the word he is talking about?

Anyway great vid!


Antidisestablishmentarianism (listen to British sample (info), American sample (info)) is a political position that originated in 19th-century Britain in opposition to proposals for the disestablishment of the Church of England, that is, to remove the Anglican Church's status as the state church of England, Ireland, and Wales.

The establishment was maintained in England, but in Ireland the Church of Ireland (Anglican) was disestablished in 1871. In Wales, four Church of England dioceses were disestablished in 1920, subsequently becoming the Church in Wales.

The question of disestablishment of the Church of England is still current, often tied with the position of the English monarch as "Supreme Governor" of the Church (see Act of Settlement 1701). Those who wish to continue the establishment of the Church of England are referred to as Antidisestablishmentarians.[1]
antideluvian (or something like that, i messed the spelling) they are some "really old vampires" from Vampire: The Masquerade pen and paper rpg game
The secret to control someone's mind is to have them think it is something they wanted to do themselves in the first place.... :)
Antidisestablishmentarianism (listen to British sample (info), American sample (info)) is a political position that originated in 19th-century Britain in opposition to proposals for the disestablishment of the Church of England, that is, to remove the Anglican Church's status as the state church of England, Ireland, and Wales.

The establishment was maintained in England, but in Ireland the Church of Ireland (Anglican) was disestablished in 1871. In Wales, four Church of England dioceses were disestablished in 1920, subsequently becoming the Church in Wales.

The question of disestablishment of the Church of England is still current, often tied with the position of the English monarch as "Supreme Governor" of the Church (see Act of Settlement 1701). Those who wish to continue the establishment of the Church of England are referred to as Antidisestablishmentarians.[1]

There is always one who has to know EVERYTHING, smart ass :D

I love that guy. He is hilarious. He steals a girls cell phone in every video. I Love when he says, that is 9 more syllables than the female brain can comprehend!
Oh man, I completely misread the title, I thought it said:

How to Control a Girl's mouth lol

Talk about phallic symbolism