How to choose that image visable to people see video


Junior Member
Jul 5, 2010
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How can i choose a picture for my videos.
The image that make people interested in video.

This example:

But when you click u dont see that in the video thats just an image to get people clicking, i need to know how to do that.

YT Partner accounts can do this, normal accounts are limited to 3 thumbnails (one from the beginning, middle and end).
Is it hard to get an YT partner account?
Seems like hard work, maby better to do some videos with only that image to get them click the video.

Video = One picture that last in whole video, and talk in microphone.
Yea it's hard to be come a partner.

I think thumbnails are more than enough. If you go to edit the video you will get a choice of 3 pictures to choose from.
How can i choose a picture for my videos.
The image that make people interested in video.

This example:

But when you click u dont see that in the video thats just an image to get people clicking, i need to know how to do that.


in your video editing program...put the image on the timeline below your video footage..then extend the image throughout the entire video (you will not be able to see it in your video because it will be below your video) that is it.
YT picks certain sections of your vid to use for thumbnials, so if you have this image spread throughout the entire vid, you will have an option choose it as a thumbnail
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sorry something weird happened and caused this message to duplicate
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