How To Breed Your Twitter Account. 5,000 followers in two weeks.


Oct 24, 2014
Reaction score
Hello gurus,
I just discovered an amazing way to breed your twitter account and gain much followers super fast.
Just do the following:

1.Register a twittter account at twitter website
2. Follow users that has many followers and has something to do with your niche
3. Use the hash (#) tag. Find out twitter trends and tweet them by using the hash tag. Example: #barrackobam #google etc

Now the secret:

The most important thing is to follow active user account and again users that has something to do with your niche.
To do so open the profile of a celebrity account that has more than 50k followers, then click on the resent tweets. Click on Retweet; they use to have more than 1k retweet and favorite depending. Follow all of them that retweeted the tweet. They are all active. But if you open an account and start following all the user's followers, there is this tendency that not all of them are active
NB: Use android device and install twitter app for supper fast

Take a look at my twitter account i registered recently on Friday 30 Jan 2015: lovelytweets22
Use this link to check when the twitter account was registered:Use google to find out because i can't post link
Hmmm... really interesting idea. I've been toying with other filter activities, but really, it's the ones who retweet I'd want. Not only are they active, but they're active doing the exact thing I want them to do.

Will look into. thx given. Can I filter for this in followLiker?
that's a good idea. i've been thinking of building my own twitter software cause everything i find doesn't seem like it's what i need exactly. this would be a great feature that i would include for sure.
so you're following people who retweet popular topics?
Your account is horrible, you barely get any engagement.
For someone who is almost a newbie, this sounds great!

Going to try it out right now.
The concept makes absolutely perfect sense though. Wondering why I haven't come across it before. Here's the filter I want: People who follow my competitor and have retweeted something of theirs within the past x days.

That's it. That's THE filter for exactly the followers I want. Anyone know if FollowLiker can filter for this?
I have yet to figure out just how people come up with all these funny tweets all the time.
Maybe I'm just boring, but the highlight of my 1 year twitter career was in the very beginning when I atted some guy's post with a random joke. It got like 10 retweets and that was that. Now I'm lucky enough to get a follow back.

I'm trying though.
Doesnt socialbro offer something like this? There's a free version which might do exactly what you're asking, plus a host of other variables to sort by as well.
OP you shouldve seen the days before Twitter patched the android glitch. I was doing what you're doing following 5-10k a day from the RT's. So many follow backs it was insane
wont hurt to try, i am going to give it a shot, thanks for sharing
Yeah, it works well. I only know of about one other way that will get you higher results.
But you cannot get 5k followers in two weeks. :D That would be more than 300 followers per day, which is an unreal follow back
Sounds interessing, I will give it a try immediately. I'm already doing something similar on Instagram...
OP you shouldve seen the days before Twitter patched the android glitch. I was doing what you're doing following 5-10k a day from the RT's. So many follow backs it was insane

I get the distinct impression it would only piss me off to know what you're talking about (lost opportunity and all). Even so, as a noob, it's remarkable to me how wide open Twitter still is.