How often use H1 - H6 on one page full of content?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score

Iam writing lost and lots of content now, becourse google likes it. Now i was wundering if i have about 5 pages full of text, only use h1 to h6 each one time, or is it better to use the h1 3 times? I and h2 3 times etc...


Lots of snow in Netherlands...brrrrrrrr ( a nice time to be in your house and lots of time to write content :-)
Got some snow here too :)

I only use H1 when trying to get a benefit from SEO, H2- + is for style (maybe it helps me though, but I've never split tested it)

Gathering info from Yoast, I'd say you just need H1.

If the 5 pages of content are for 1 article, find ways to break it up into segments, but I would use H1 once
Recommend using H1 as your main title and only use it once. I usually use a couple of H2 depending on the length of article.
As far as On-Page SEO goes only H1 play a role. Always start the H1 with your keyword for the main article - the other should use LSI.
I'm pretty sure the days of keyword stuffing headers is over, prioritize looks over SEO when it comes to your headers.

Cramming your keywords into <h1> tags isn't going to do much if anything so just use it in whatever way looks best.
I would use: 1xh1 / 3xh2 and not more than 6xh3 on a 500 word page.

The only h1 I have on my pages is at the title. I used to use h1, h2, and h3 in my articles, but I found out that using h1 and h2 headings penalized my site, so I've been using h3 exclusively and I recovered quite nicely after doing so.
Usually Wordpress makes the title an H1 tag. On my sites, I usually have one H1 tag and one H3 tag for every 200 - 300 words (given that it actually makes sense for the text section to have its own subtitle).
Stop counting H tags. Just use heading tags naturally when it is relevant to the topic.

If 6 paragraphs require H1 tags, you may use 6 H1's. Google has made it clear, not to write for search engines, but to write for the audience.
I completely agree with mnasr24... Don't get into a bad habit of counting them (unless you feel you have too many), because if every post has the same # of <h#> tags, and roughly in the same places, it seems (IMO) to lack a feeling of "naturalness". Granted, I have plenty of sites where I did just that, and did not notice any negative impact on rankings, I can't help but feel paranoid about the many unknown parameters that contribute to just how and why your site ranks -- how and where it does.
I usually use 1 H1 and never go past H4. As Tosmekop said, you have to change the number of title you use, depending of the article and your needs. Always think from a reader point of view.