How not to get rejected from affiliate programs


Regular Member
Feb 2, 2008
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Ok, I supposed there should be thread with information on "What you should know before signing up to affiliate programs" or "How not to get rejected from affiliate programs" because there isn't one (as i can remember) and it will be very useful.

Lets everybody that have experience on this to write something - what did you do before you got rejected and what did you do before you got accepted.

There are fields in the some application forms that you have to explain
"How are you going to bring the traffic". Write something that you used to get accepted.

Already I know this:

.Most of the aff programs want to hear that you will do PPC campaigns.
.They want your email address to be associated with your domain name.
.Some want US based IP
.Some want only US traffic.

Hope you will like my idea for a thread.
"How are you going to bring the traffic"
This is always the biggest problem after earning some money.CPA companys start to ask us about this.
This is always the biggest problem after earning some money.CPA companys start to ask us about this.

That's why I asked the people that had success to write something on this.
just be honest with them, it usually only takes making yourself look legit and professional, and making a phone call to them.
Actually there are several good threads about this topic already.

These are stickies at the top of the cpa forum.

Start with that and you should have a great deal more luck getting accepted.
I find that having a corp/business name with a business website helps. Also, contacting them by email or phone instead improves your chances greatly
Unless you're a natural at faking it, I also believe in "honesty is the best policy". These AMs talk to many affiliates on a daily basis (it's their day job afterall), and will see through a newbie pretending to be a pro instantly. In the same way, build up your own experience by talking to some of these AMs, and you will soon find yourself into more CPA networks.
If i have to speak with them on the phone, to be honest with them and sh*t... there's no problems with me. I was working in a telemarketing company selling shares :captain: