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How Neverblue SCAMMED me for $11k. Beware

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Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
Before i begin to tell my story, pls understand that my english is not perfect and never had any problem in the past with any cpa network

I had my neverblue account from years but was earning not more than 1k per month since i was using other networks.

On October i made 11k with them and that resulted in a ban near end of month

What happened?

I used few e-mail submits to get leads (100% real) but in a nonethical way

I made a test in first 2 days and made around 1k and then stopped. I thought to myself: lets fake referer and split earnings on different networks

Again, leads were 100% real but promotions was did with a nonethical way

But guess what. I got an e-mail from my AM
"Hi xxxxx,
I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to reach out and say great work this weekend J

I notice that your traffic has stopped, I wanted to see what we can do to keep it going?


When i first saw e-mail from it, i said, oh shit but after i opened it I though, neverblue is ok with my promotion so lets continue again. This e-mail was an encouragement for me to continue.

Logic, my AM saw source of traffic, my landing pages etc.. and encouraged me to start again what i was doing

So, now part 2

I started again my promotion and 1 day i also made $3k and neverblue didn't sent me any other e-mail

But the day that my traffic stopped i got this e-mail

After a review of your account, our Compliance and Quality Assurance department has decided to terminate your account with Neverblue on the grounds of suspected fraudulent activity. As it was determined that your earnings were generated using un-approved means of advertising and/or from fraudulent activity, you will not be paid for the same. Your account has now expired and you will no longer have access to it."

I was like wtf and contacted immediately my AM. She said that she don't have idea for this and forwarded me to Mitali Petersen, the head of Fraud Department

She confirmed me on phone the ban and told me that i will not be paid. When i objected and told her that my AM encouraged me to she said, ok we will wait till end of month. If advertiser pay us we will pay you

That was total bs because was not only 1 advertiser but different ones because i promoted different e-mail submits from diff advertisers

End of story

Mitali sent me an e-mail again

"[FONT=&quot]With regards to the email written to you by your Affiliate Manager, they?re required to push sales, and it is a standard question to ask an affiliate to push more volume however it is also the Compliance team?s job to ensure that our offers are being promoted in a legal and ethical manner, methods which our advertisers have pre-approved. Had your Affiliate Manager or the Advertiser known the methods with which you were promoting our offers, they would have, like us, immediately asked you to cease all activity and not wanted to pay for those leads."

[FONT=&quot]If my AM was lazy and never saw my traffic and just sent me a copy/paste e-mail to promote is not my fault. Is their problem

I already contacted a lawyer on my country and he told me, that my method was nonethical but since AM encouraged me to continue to do that with that e-mail, at least we can get $$ back. As for account on neverblue i simply don't care

The only problem is that I'm on Europe and Neverblue on Canada

I know you are tired from reading this long thread :) but can you pls suggest me anything

again sorry for my english
Slightly similar story here but with Lazy Profits, except my methods were whitehat. I promoted in a completely acceptable way and every day my AM emailed saying "Great job, any way you can bump up the traffic? I'll give you a pay increase" etc etc and so I did.
Comes to pay day "We have a problem - the advertiser isn't going to pay".

They decided they were going to break their own TOS. LP didn't take any action against them despite the fact they owed me $1100 after 2 weeks. I basically got ignored after that until I started going public at which point I was told "You shouldn't have been so stupid and gone so gung-ho with your advertising before your first payday". He was the one telling me to bump it up!! I've had to ignore it unfortunately. It was over a year ago but I would never use them again.

Sorry to hear that mate! so as they are in Canada, your lawyer isn't able to do anything to get your money back? or is it hard to get it?
It's a difficult situation and without knowing what exactly your non ethical way of traffic was it's hard to advise. If it broke the TOS it's a challenge. The AM was probably acting on good faith that you were still complying with TOS so you can't use that as a bargaining tool. At best you can own up and ask for recovery of your traffic costs if the advertisers pay NB and agree to not work with them again. Going legal from a tenuous position may cost you financially and stress you out taking you away from your business.
Dude, if you're doing a "nonethical way" (which I presume is blackhat), and you got banned for that - I don't see how neverblue is scamming you.

If you're doing something blackhat which against the rules and they punish you for it, how is that scamming?
Though there's nothing wrong with Blackhat methods, but all blackhatters should know that there's always a risk.
Very sad for this, Same story happened with me at maxbounty .

Before reaching payment date like i was on net 15 , on 13 i got phone call from AM named as Val, she told me that why u stop traffic you can load more income. But after 1 day i see same bullshit msg as u saw. i lost around 2k$ :( .

Better stick with one and bank with it. never trust on a cpa network before you get first payments thats the key to success.
Sorry to hear that OP....I hope you move on to other Better CPA network and also don't dishearten...Wish you all the best..
Well, I don't know if we can call BH posting on facebook fan pages
How would you call that a scam?

You made $1k with them - got an email after a day from your AM saying "Why'd you stop?". And then you go ahead hit it hard with the same network.

Now my point is, your AM didn't say "The leads are great" or anything like that, did he? He appreciated you cause he saw some activity on your account, thats it.

What happens is, Networks do a quality check before each payday on every affiliate's accounts/leads and take into consideration the complaints (if any) from the respective advertisers. If there are any complaints, they investigate further.
Now when NeverBlue quality check team reviewed your account and leads, they found out there was something fishy going on. So the banned you...

Sorry about what happened but I won't call this a scam. You admitted you were doing it in unethical way (which is Blackhat I assume) - so there definitely is the risk.

And why in the hell would you make $11k with just one network while doing BH? If I were you, I would spread it over multiple networks and multiple advertisers.
Just my $0.02.
You rolled the dice and got popped and now you are claiming NB scammed you??? :wt:

And you want to sue? LOL!!!

You almost sound like the dude who got arrested for drunk driving. He adamantly blamed his friends for encouraging him to drink and drive during his trial and sentencing. He even vowed to get revenge once he served his time.

Of course, since they encouraged him, they are legally culpable, right?

Wrong! The next time you role the dice in BHSEO, be stealth about it...:tsk:
Leads were REAL.

i was not banned because leads were not real but because i used facebook fan pages (and they called it SPAM) to send traffic

So how is this BH?

My point is that I'm treated like that simply because I'm not on USA/Canada, so they know is hard for me to f.. them. It will cost me some $$ to open a cause but I will do it within this year
If u have used a "non ethical way" and the NV guys banned u i dont thnk there is anythng wrng in that.
You'll never make it as a trial lawyer with statements like:

"I used few e-mail submits to get leads (100% real) but in a nonethical way"

Look we all get burned so consider it a lesson learned.
Guys NON-Ethical way was posting on fan pages

Cmon, really???
Tags: NeverBlue Scam
NeverBlue Scam Alert
NeverBlue Scam Report
Beware NeverBlue
NeverBlue Pays
NeverBlue Doesn't Pay
NeverBlue Legit?
Leads were REAL.

i was not banned because leads were not real but because i used facebook fan pages (and they called it SPAM) to send traffic

So how is this BH?

My point is that I'm treated like that simply because I'm not on USA/Canada, so they know is hard for me to f.. them. It will cost me some $$ to open a cause but I will do it within this year

What do you mean by leads were real? Any lead is real unless some bot has filled it in.

And you didn't get banned because you're not from USA. I'm from a country where 1% of people actually know that internet could be used to make money. And its a third world country. But I do make money and not get banned and my CPA networks love me for that cause I know how to do business...

Sorry but your approach to this is kind of weird.
They wouldn't ban you if you were making them money. If they banned you, they did it for a reason.
I noticed you said your AM encouraged it and you have a email with them saying it was ok then your Attorney has a case. I know a lot of AM's who encourage methods that break the TOS of the company sad part is they have no clout to protect there own publishers from being banned I'm sure they get paid a commissions on your work and everyone loves money. I had a AM over at CXdigital who let me get away with murder when they fired him i was canned a week later. Good money though :p Good luck with this but like i said if u have evidence that your AM encouraged you to run your method anyway this should be open and closed.
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I noticed you said your AM encouraged it and you have a email with them saying it was ok then your Attorney has a case,

Yep, Mitali (head of Fraud Depar) told me that AM didn't know the source of traffic and she is sorry for that. So I'm not getting my $11k but a big sorry from this girl :)

I works with a LOT of other networks and never had any proble

I'm not saying someone from EU always will be f...ed from cpa networks but when network is about to decide will pay or not someone that used "non ethical" metods, we from EU have less chances
Sure, invest $20k on fan pages like i did (i can sell you some also)

and you can be sure that you can make more than that

Pls save your irony

I can pay you $100 if you could teach me how to make $3k in a single day just by posting on facebook fanpages... deal?
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