How much to ask for 5 gaming websites that make $40/month?


Regular Member
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
I am thinking to sell 5 flash gaming websites. All together make ~$40/month from ads. Some stats/month:
HDD Space: ~50Gb
Bandwidth: ~150GB
Visitors: ~40k
Pageviews: ~100k

I want to sell them all but I have no idea what price to ask. What do you think?
anywhere between $300 and $500. As long as you site makes at LEAST $35 a month for the last 6 months, then it will sell well
Yeah... Thanks for the input. Some say they worth $200, som 400, som 1000 :)

I was thinking to start an auction with $100. Do you think is ok the starting price?
how long have they consistently been earning $40 ? if its steady and has been for months then they should be worth 10-12X the monthly revenue. If you have a steady flow of that $40 for longer than that then they should be worth a bit more.
how long have they consistently been earning $40 ? if its steady and has been for months then they should be worth 10-12X the monthly revenue. If you have a steady flow of that $40 for longer than that then they should be worth a bit more.
^this^ and you have 40 k visitors and 100k pageviews? and you make only 40 a month in total? I would keep it and try different offers, play with it.
CPM ads would make you at least $200 a month

If you sell it for 300 or 400 I think you will kick your self in the future.

Just my 2 cents

judging By the stats I would say it is worth around $1500 or more.
I know people who get 25k visitors a month and make 5 times what you do.

I would not sell, you will only regret it.

If you do want to sell I will buy, fix your issues and flip it. ;)
Last 6 months = $283, Last 3 months = $108, January = $40
I want to be fair, traffic is not constant. The best month in 2012 was $100 but that happened only once :)

Well the main traffic for flash games is mainly from teenagers. This would be a reason for that low income.
I feel there is potential but I don't have that much time to play with this websites. Also I am not that much expert in marketing.

I will be happy to sell them for ~500 but.. who knows. So, should I start the auction with $100?
I wouldn't pay you more than 100-150$ as it only makes 40$ per moth, which means the investment will be back for at least 2-3months wich is kinda long and not a BIG return, only if someone knows how to maximize the earnings, that is something different.
judging By the stats I would say it is worth around $1500 or more.

:) :) :) Find me a buyer for $1500 and I you have $500.

Now, really, mostly teenagers & kids play flash games. The traffic is big, but visitors are not that rich :)
i recommend you to change your montization module or optimized it there is alot of things you can do if you do some research ;)
hi yoyo!

i'm interested in your websites, since i want to built a game-project by myself and these pages would be a good start...for having visitors and also linking my own project...
please send me the urls of your projects!
