How much money is too much per CPA Network?


Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
This is my first post - I am new to the forum but not new to BH. So, here is my question about CPA promotion. If I want to stay under the radar of the AM at each CPA network how much money per month will pop me up on there radar? For example if I am making say $100 a day with them and that is $3,000 for the month. Will that put me on the radar or is that so low they will not care? Maybe I should keep it at $1,000 or less a month since I am using BH to make the cash?

Please let me know - I am in the process of setting up a very elaborate way of promoting offers and want it for the long term with many different networks.

Basically if I am shooting for say $20K a month do I do $1K a month per network at 20 different networks or go for 7 at $3K each?

Thanks in advance for your input! :o

I have heard that $100.00 per day per network is reasonable. This came from a source who I know makes a few grand a day.

I don't personally make this much, so this information is obviously second hand.

Take it for what you will.
thats bullshit because if ur getting traffic the honest w ay den it shouldn't mater how much u make per day there are people out there pulling $100,000 a day to $1,000,000 a month using traffic sources like myspace media ads mass email marketing and ppc
Uhh, no it's not bullshit.

The person I'm referring to does BH methods.

The OP does blackhat methods.

Obviously it's a whole different ball game if your methods are actually legit.
oh ok so why waste ur time making $1000 a day wen u could make $1,000,000 a month???

Yeah why don't we all just become billionaires. Screw 1 mil a month. I'm going for 1 bil.
Digitalstorm, I'm in the same process like you. I'm collect all "tricks" and tools to build a long-term (BH) business with CPA networks. I have many ideas so at this time Im signup cpas, buying paypal verified accounts, anonymous debit cards.... etc. I will PM you, maybe we can chat?:)
Keep it under $300 a day is what I have always heard!
mix it with WH traffic and go all out!
my friends have earn $1000 a day
about 42K/month.
now just earn about 10k /month cos finance ciris

but today

my janpanese friend said one guy in canda called tony can earn about 10k/day

then he show me some pic

thats bullshit because if ur getting traffic the honest w ay den it shouldn't mater how much u make per day there are people out there pulling $100,000 a day to $1,000,000 a month using traffic sources like myspace media ads mass email marketing and ppc

Shouldn't that be $1,000,000 per month to $100,000 per day? ;)
My suggestion, if you are using BH is to slowly increase. Each network has their own criteria, but if you start to get some that are questioning you, back off and keep it below that threshold.
Dont draw attention to yourself, increase revenue gradually and keep conversions at a low level with fake traffic.
i made 30$/day with maxbounty and got banned.. so you really cant say "ok this is the ammount i have to earn to be under radar"

i did black hat with double meta refresh + sending junk traffic and still got banned ...
wow, $10k/day... that is some serious money. if i could make $500/day i'd quit my day job.
i myself been doing black hat for 2 years, but only started making serious money for the last 7 months.. i make between 60-150$ a day from 4 different networks.. never had a problem.. whatever black hat method you use, i recommend you to always use a real e-mail and yellowpages for every offer (takes less than 30 sec to create one on yahoo) and keep the rate down.. the higher rate i have is %2 i always try to keep it %1 or less

just pm me if anything ;P
i don't even dream about 1000$ a day, 100$/day would be very good result for me
i would also go with a ctr of 2% and max $2000 per network for blackhat methods.
stay under the radar, live longer ;)
I'll keep this info handy as I've just started to gradually get some income using BH.