how much is Scrapebox investment?


Regular Member
Mar 13, 2010
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-newbie alarm-
I was looking here in the forum for more information about the tool and the extras things that I shoud have to make some $$.
First i'll need the tool. $57
Then few private proxies $30 monthly
Then.. VPS $30 monthly.
Scrapebox was released in 2009 (I think), this software is still relevant nowadays with full updates?

I am wrong? I need about $140 to start making some $$ from fiverr gigs?
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It just depends on your setup. If your going to be posting you can start with 10 private proxies but obviously you can do it a lot faster if you buy more. I would say around $200 for a pretty good setup but you can start smaller and work your way up of course.
When I started SB all I used was the program itself and public proxies. Private proxies are way better though so you should definitely invest in them. A VPS also isn't necessary but if you are doing Fiverr gigs you will most likely need it if you get a lot of gigs.

you don't need a can run in your computer for start.
If you have good proxy support no need of VPS.
Wait you said fiverr? gonna offering scrapebox blast there?
-newbie alarm-
I was looking here in the forum for more information about the tool and the extras things that I shoud have to make some $$.
First i'll need the tool. $57
Then few private proxies $30 monthly
Then.. VPS $30 monthly.

I am wrong? I need about $140 to start making some $$ from fiverr gigs?

Actually, the main thing is time!

You need time to learn
You need time to find good lists
You need time to make $$

To start with, buy the SB - then learn.

Run the SB on your system using free proxies - find a AA list here.

its a must have tool.

tip - buy a fiverr gig and use that list on your SB:-p


I'm in the same situation, can someone tell me where to start learning about using ScrapeBox?
I'm in the same situation, can someone tell me where to start learning about using ScrapeBox?

For the basics -
For the Advanced - Ultimate Scrapebox Advantage (
you dont need to buy private proxies can use public proxies initially

just learn SB step to step,and when you think you become master in it..

buy them and start money making..
Scrapebox was released in 2009 (I think), this software is still relevant nowadays with full updates?
Yes scrapebox is updated weekly so no worries that this software is forgotten by the creators.
Scrapebox was released in 2009 (I think), this software is still relevant nowadays with full updates?

Yes, as the above post said there are still updates. Still addons being made. And still has so many uses besides just comment spamming.