How many unique (spun) articles for each KW I target?


Regular Member
Jun 1, 2010
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So I am running some web 2.0s, articles, social bookmarks and comments onto web 2.0 props pointed to my site. Each one I usually do 3-4 spun articles @ 84% uniqueness per keyword. My blog comments are somewhat random, but the articles, bookmarks and certainly the 2.0s have my KW.

I am using 2 sites. So I am wondering how many unique articles that are spun I would need? If I want to target 10 keywords, will I need close to 30-40 articles that are spun uniquely?
I'm a bit confused by your question
The % number is just how unique two articles are from each other (in theory) but it has serious issues spread out over many many articles.
From my experience, you can index a 200% unique article in AMR (amr's uniqueness measure) roughly 1500 times (more or less)
Though there's no excellent way to measure uniqueness
Senuke's little module may be useful here... as it seems to give good #s as it compares I believe 16 articles (or it used to)
Last time I tried it with a 200% AMR article I got around 92-93%
This is a great number,
I'm a bit confused by your question
The % number is just how unique two articles are from each other (in theory) but it has serious issues spread out over many many articles.
From my experience, you can index a 200% unique article in AMR (amr's uniqueness measure) roughly 1500 times (more or less)
Though there's no excellent way to measure uniqueness
Senuke's little module may be useful here... as it seems to give good #s as it compares I believe 16 articles (or it used to)
Last time I tried it with a 200% AMR article I got around 92-93%
This is a great number,

I am primarily using the articles in SENukeX to create web 2.0 properties and blogposts. I just wanted to give uniqueness and wondering how often I can use the same article. So one article will be responsible for 20-30 web 2.0 properties. Roughly 4 articles (2 articles per article directories) and 2 articles per social networks/web 2.0s. About 4 articles will help make 50-70 links (not including social book marks).