how many links a day does it start effecting your serp in a badway?


Junior Member
Oct 21, 2008
Reaction score
So we all know that if you gain to many links to fast, your website will drop serp ranking. does anyone know a specific number or group of numbers? how safe would something like 50-100 a day be?
I doubt very much there's a trigger number of links. Instead think in terms of number of links compared to your average, and how many hits your site gets anyway. If your site has been getting 10 new links a day and a ton of traffic on average, 50 links in a day is a spike but likely not too much of a statistical aberration. if your site has been getting 10 new links per month on average and has meager traffic, that 50 links in a day is more likely to command attention.

If your site got 100 links in a single day despite averaging 10 new links per year - but your site was chock full of all the things Google fetishizes (unique quality content, frequent updates, not competing with google and so forth) - your site might not be affected whereas someone else's site would, google is people and they might play favorites (or so it seems to me).

Understand my conclusion is based on what seems reasonable and what I've seen and read of, only Google knows exactly how Google does what and why. All the rest of us can do is guess, test theories and start over again when Google changes things up periodically.
I think when you are able to keep gaining 50/'s alright. But don't put 50links/day for one week and then stop...
If there is a sudden spike of links, you might get sandboxed for a while, but if the links keep coming, and they don't trip the bot/spam logic, then your site will eventually get out of the sandbox, and rank really well.

If you want to avoid the initial drop, ramp your linking up somewhat naturally, and stagger it a bit. After a period of steady growth, you can start increasing it faster, because a site will tend to explode, at least for a while, once it reaches critical mass.
its actually a debatable topic, many SEO experts has varied opinions about outbound link building

I have my spare of experience and I really cant say when and how many is bad

Like for example, on a good day, I build as much as 5k to 10k links for a BH site, I do experience sandbox but it rarely happens if the domain I purchased is good(i.e. aged and with PR). Recent sandbox I encounter is when I built a freewebs site for the Blackhatworld Rocks competition which is still standing #1. I even kicked off carson cathi's(the official winner) site from the SERP and right now nowhere to be found using the link technique im doing.

So basically there is no good or bad on massive link building, it depends on what youre tying to accomplish and how you execute it.

Coffee time!

UPDATE: I just checked and for some weird reason, carson rathi's site went to #1 from nowhere and mine to #2.

This is exactly one what I have been trying to point out, massive link building can benefit or destroy you.

Time to get back to #1
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I think that the one take home lesson is that building solid links will ultimately do nothing but help a site, in the long run. In the short run, YMMV, so sit tight, and ride it out.
its not weird for a brand new site to do 30-50 links a day is it?
Anything under a hundred links a day shouldn't trigger anything. Thousands of links a day, OTOH, for a brand new site is probably going to raise some eyebrows.
from a WH point of view (imho), its should be different sources, and differing anchor text.
New to BH, so I guess the rules are different, but I have never had a WH site sandboxed for 5-15 good pr links per day.

So, where do I get this xrumer thing...
I will just say that keep everything natural and concentrate on quality content. Therefore, your site will be found without any doubt and people will be likely to refer your link. :D