How many keywords are safe to go after?


Regular Member
Sep 7, 2011
Reaction score
I have a site that has 100's of products and I am wanting to get them ranked. What would be a safe number to go after and not chance my site getting penalized?

I want it like

Used Item Name 1
Used Item Name 2

and so on for 100's of products.

I plan on using GSA to try and get these pages ranked.
I am not an expert in SEO, but I do not think that is a good idea to go after many keywords on 1 site. I usually do approx. 4-6 keywords per site. Don't take my word for it, I am sure here are many SEO expert guys, who can give you better advise. :)
I would target a few keywords each week but certainly not go after them in large groups. Remember, Google is after natural methods, and going after a bunch at the same time will trigger Google to explore your link profile more closely. Slow down your pace as you build your links.