How many HOURS do you work daily? + Productivity tips?


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Jan 4, 2017
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I do affiliate marketing. I don't have the habit of eating at right time or sleeping at right time or getting up and working at the right time.
I don't have a boss who'll shout at me if I don't complete a task in time. So, I do whatever I like to do - no one's there to correct me. But If i were to make a career working online...i need to have more self-discipline.

I sit in front of a computer for almost 14 hours a day but work only 4-5 hours. Rest of the time I waste on youtube or phone or other unnecessary stuff.
Plus, money also doesn't motivate me anymore.

1. So, how many hours do you guys work daily? (proper work not just sit in front of a computer)

2. Those, who work online, how do discipline yourself to get things done every day? Is it fear of losing money...Or what is it?

3. And how do you eliminate distractions while working online? Like youtube, clickbait articles...etc?
Circa 20 minutes but that's still a strech tho
1. 8-9 hours between all my different projects
2. Pomodoro method. 20 minutes of heavy duty, balls to the wall work, 5 minutes of rest. Easy to discipline yourself for 20 minutes at a time
3. Having music or a sports on in the background helps me greatly.
You can do a lot of work till 1 pm if you start by early morning. Having a good sleep at night to maintain circadian rhythm will help you to increase productivity.
Whatever techniques you use , sleep well . If you are sleep deprived nothing will work you .
I usually start very early, I wake around 3.30 am. I start work as soon as I get off my bed. Before every other person wakes up for the gym, work, or their day-to-day activities. I'd realize I have done quite some work in those early peaceful and serene hours of the day. Then after a workout and breakfast, I come back and stay until like 1 pm before I let myself get distracted.
Meanwhile, the phone is always silent. Vibration only. All social media notifications are permanently turned off. I do my best to stay off social media.
I wake up at 7 am and starts doing work from 10 am to 12:00pm then after lunch and wasting some time i again start my work from 5pm to 7pm. that's it
1. 4 to 5 hours I guess

2. Donno what you mean. Work is work, it's just something you gotta do. There's no option that I can see.

3. Social media is waste of time. Once I got off social media it's like my day got multiplied by 3
1. 4 to 5 hours I guess

2. Donno what you mean. Work is work, it's just something you gotta do. There's no option that I can see.

3. Social media is waste of time. Once I got off social media it's like my day got multiplied by 3
you said you work only 4/5 hours, so, what do you do the rest of the time? Do you purposely take a break or do you unwillingly procrastinate?
I work about 4 hours per day. Sometimes more, sometimes not at all.
3. And how do you eliminate distractions while working online? Like youtube, clickbait articles...etc?
A simple way is to install this chrome extension called DF tube, it will block your YouTube feed.

A better way is to never do any of those things in your work spot or even your work computer.
Work computer: if you have a device that has never seen YouTube before, you'll try your hardest to keep it that way. (at least, that's how my brain works)
Location: if you have an office space, forbid yourself from doing anything but work in that space.

Additionally, If you find you have trouble concentrating/taking work time seriously, move to a coffee shop, public library, or co-working space. Working in places and being surrounded with others helped me a ton in my first couple of years.
During the summer = 3-4 hours
Rest of the year = 8-10 hours
5ish hours, the allure to waste my time watching shitty videos YT is ever present.
I don't have a boss who'll shout at me if I don't complete a task in time. So, I do whatever I like to do - no one's there to correct me. But If i were to make a career working online...i need to have more self-discipline.
Easy - start doing sports and meditation. At first doesn't matter if it's chaotically and don't respect a schedule, just do it. Discipline will come later!

I sit in front of a computer for almost 14 hours a day but work only 4-5 hours. Rest of the time I waste on youtube or phone or other unnecessary stuff.
Add some extensions in browser to cut off from YouTube and social noise at least 22hours per day.
1. So, how many hours do you guys work daily? (proper work not just sit in front of a computer)
8-12, 4h deep concentrated work. rest is monotone tasks repetititve

2. Those, who work online, how do discipline yourself to get things done every day? Is it fear of losing money...Or what is it?
To - do lists in the NIGHT BEFORE. You need to know what you have to do from the moment you wake up. Doesn't matter if it doesn't respect a schedule, it matter to have the list. Having it written by hand has some miraculous power attached and it easier to start checking the list in the next day

3. And how do you eliminate distractions while working online? Like youtube, clickbait articles...etc?
Listen to some Dan Pena :devil:
Once I worked 10mins/day having everything automated for 1.5 years.
Now working 10-12h/day launching many projects simultaneously.