How many followers can u add daily to your G+ ?


Power Member
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
Before i could add about 50 people to my circles, now that i have 550 and only 120followed back it doesnt allow me to add more than 2 a day. Is anybody experiencing the same thing. BTW this for my business page not personal
WHAT?! Google+ is still alive?!!

But seriously. Facebook sucks but at least it's an active place.

Google+? It's a ghost town. They're not just offing it because of pride. They won't accept it as a failed challenger to Facebook. I bet you more people are going to join Friendster if it turns back again to a SNS than signing up for G+.

Oh that would be a dozen eggs on G's face.
WHAT?! Google+ is still alive?!!

But seriously. Facebook sucks but at least it's an active place.

Google+? It's a ghost town. They're not just offing it because of pride. They won't accept it as a failed challenger to Facebook. I bet you more people are going to join Friendster if it turns back again to a SNS than signing up for G+.

Oh that would be a dozen eggs on G's face.

Really that is your response? nice

On topic.
If you have too many following google restricts you. Same thing happens on pinterest!
I have not had any issues but I have not tried to follow people, well add them to my circles at max or it telling me what max is. I usually add like 10 or 15 each day, then after I do this for 5 days, I wait 3 days and whoever has not followed me by then I kick them and start the process over again.
I never got any Problem with number of limitations for followers in Google Plus.
yeah the reason why i use g+ is im trying to use up all different social media before i post ads for new contest, more the merrier
I had the same problem. I couldn't add more than a couple a day. Even after months of not following i'm limited to 5 a day.
i think there is a very good G plus adder software for download somewhere in BHW, use the search function

Best of luck
You can't gather so much people to your circles in few days. That is goal which require to be worked on it for few months. Better combine few profiles with it
Such restrictions are always there with most of the social networking site for fair usage. I don't know the solution for your problem. But I think it is common problem which you are facing.
Now no any restrictions to add followers. Unlimited followers will be added per day..
Guys what do you set the time to add accounts?
So Google+ is not blocked

Min Delay and Max Delay

Add Max account a 1 day?

No idea how my account got limited :(

I use to follow about 50 - 100 people every second day and all of a sudden I can only follow MAX 5 people a day and my followers and following isn't even far apart.
i got some false information saying there is NO LIMIT.
so yesterday i went on google+ and added 180 for just 1 page, and more on other pages. i must have added 400+ yesterday, no problem. however, the result is ONE follow back. wtf?
Never had it, adding G+ and followers is a must have for SEO I think. Its Google..