How Long?


Registered Member
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
I have been working on my blog for the last 2 months. I am not making even a consitent 2 bucks a day from it, and im not where I want to be in the search engines.

I use mybloglog,article directories, digg, delicous, reddit, etc etc.... Why am I not showing up? I cant seem to figure out what im doing wrong?

Is it my keywords still? Ive done some keyword research and I thought this set was much better?

Im not sure, I could deffinatly use some help :/
You are asking for a bit of blind help there! Without knowing your site or keywords it is difficult to give advice.

However 2 months is not a particulary long time. You need to just continue link building and in time the fruits of your labour will be rewarded.
how much have you been making a day exactly?

And how much do you want to make exactly?

I will tell you everything you need to do

Keywords:The Law of Success,rich by napoleon hill,what are goals,improve self confidence,Think and Grow Rich book,how to attract wealth

I consider myself very new to keyword research.
All the content on my website is unique as well.
Alot long actually... the law of attraction niche people also target this, precisely... and you know alot of people have been blogging and posting about it for a long time, but just keep publishing new and fresh articles, sometimes unique and random... to see how you can do.
simplybebop~ I want to make alot of money, I am working on 6 different blogs. All six intertwined. This one at the top and is my main blog. I have 56 unique articles in this. I cant let it go to waste, and a Ton of backlinking. I have about 250 back links minimum right now. For a newb like me i guess I consider that a good amount.
I am making 60 cents a day roughly from this blog. I want it up to the $20 range.

I think more than anything I need help with the keywords, ill even pay someone if they can help me out show me what to do and analyze the keywords with me.

Thank you guys :)
Hi ok here are few things that may help:

1. Paste this code between style tags:

<style type="text/css">
#b-navbar {

2. Change the template so it doesn't look like another simple blogspot blog:

Here is source of few nice themes:


Also make nice header (will make you one if needed)

3. Get a domain. Who the heck would take .blogspot[dot]com blog serious?
Ok blogs are really nice but still people wouldn't buy them only because of domain.

Visit domainpeeps[dot]com/forum to get some ideas.

4. Get some nice traffic.
There are soooooo many tools, submitters, traffic tactic e-books, I even saw thread by HaRRo about getting traffic 1 min ago.

5. Optimize adsense.
experiment with ad placement. You can even add cpa offer.
Try to make so people can't tell they are adsense ads.

6. Do a keyword reaserch here[dot]com/select/KeywordToolExternal

Hope this helps.

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The keywords you listed are getting maybe 20 searches per day from a quick 30 second check. You aren't even in the SE's for any of the keywords, and I couldn't find your digg articles. From my experience digg ranks high in the SERPs if you get a few 'diggs' behind you but you need to have the article title of your blog and your digg title as your main keywords so they will rank highly for a less competitive keyword. You need a prog like SENuke to quickly check how easy, or difficult it would be to hit the SE's based on a certain keyword and ensure the keyword is getting enough searches where once you have everything set up, you can move on to another project. If all those articles had keywords that were getting 100 searches per day & easy to rank with you'd be easily making your target.
The only way to earn good is to have good traffic and for up a good content....

Also do marketing at social sites...
So I went through and added my keywords to all of the article topics, I did some keyword research, atleast what I think keyword research is.

I bought the domain www.napoleonhillslaw(dot)com

Now with blogger my old domain will just redirect to this domain name. But what of the 300 backlinks I have built? All for nought? Is it time to start building new backlinks for this new domain?
I feel like I this blog has been kicked out of google, because of creating to many backlinks to early. Im no where, except articles i use linking to this site :/.

Is there anything I can do or anyway if anyone can tell for me?

and why is it when you search it only comes up with one link to my main page. I have a ton of articles :/
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why is it kicked when u find your site?

ofc its just to the main page..

its like the 10th time i read the url of ur blog, maybe u shud stop promoting it here or sumth ;)

you hav ur domain now, go promote that thingy properly and ull get ur traffic!
Where do I start....

1) Change to self hosted...asap..friggin get a good theme..I can't see a header pic and nothing stands out at the top to make me even continue reading.

2) Mybloglog is just one community... get it on technorati and other networks

3) Create a facebook account(or use your own).. look for facebook groups that are of similar interest...and then start adding members of tat group to your friend list.... make it personal...dont simply add blindly..and when people you add ask you why you added em...tell em something about sharing one interest. Heck... instead of wasting your time looking for search engine could put an hour each day into adding folks and actually gettign targeted visitors who will return coz you have daily posts
(as for how to actually exploit a big friend list of relevant people... THINK YOURSELF)

4) I really tried me I did... But I could not find a feedburner email one click subscription thing anywhere on your site...(i

5) FORGET AMAZON.... really....truly...please remove wont make any money...instead build up a reading base..and then market affiliate offers that pay through paypal.( I hate friggin amazon ads)

6) When you directly to blog posts.... this is good for technorati ...and make sure you tag well....

7) Sign up for a digg account and go on a friend adding frenzy... soon people you add will add you back...this allows you to send em shouts to digg your article.... make sure you digg theirs as well.... This should take you 20 mins a day.... coz digg friend adding is simple clicking...(unlike facebook adding ..which will take tons of time..but worth it)

8) For the digg method would need articles that are quite groundbreaking or at least sensational.... I suggest you create about 2 or 3 such articles every month for digg....(ow and btw..sending too many shouts for diggs aint limit it to a max of 5 articles per month for digging)

9) Comment on relevant blogs... but comment looooong instead of quantity...comment like a whole paragraph to relevant blogs...readers will click and ull get noticed quite a bit.

10) I hate forums (for getting traffic)...coz whatever you do will seem like ur looking to promote..and i hate people promoting on forums. So don't do takes time to get any worthy traffic anyway.

11) Diversify a seem to know your stuff...go onto a broader niche... look into sharing business tips and ideas...identify a target market and start catering to them.

12) Email about 20 relevant blog owners asking to do a guest blog post for them.... make sure you specify that all you ask is a small link to your blog at the should get about 3 of em to allow you to do this. can be even broadly related blogs... plus..make sure the articles you write are super cool. Allow them a blogroll link on your site in return(you can remove this a few months down the simply do this to lure immediate traffic to your blog....and if your blog is good..then they'll stay)

13) do the opposite way.... allow guest posts on your blog.

This is all for NON search engine i believe that would be optimal for your sorta niche and blog...

I have a feeling tat tells me you wont try any of this...and simply complain... but this post can help others.... so i took my time and effort.

Sorry for the cynicism...ive had a not so good day.
lol...250-300 backlinks doesn't get you kicked out of google...maybe 3 or 4k
Sorry kinda new :/

I have a technorit,digg,delicious,reddit,mybloglog,stumbleupon,myspace,and friend feed. I use all those for promotions. I have used youtube for videos.

I will heed your advice and implement it right away.
Don't have quantity.... use one friend network preferably facebook... and one bookmarking site...digg or reddit work for me....
Then...milk em like anything!.... Facebook if done the best!
have you submitted to dmoz? i usually get some decent hits there. also, add your site to wikipedia and see if they remove you.'t it become like..soooooo old that they take 5 years to accept a submission.
Sure..submit there... but don't count on acceptance any time soon.
Thanks everyone so far for your advice. I am in need of a header :/. Im will to pay even if someone could make me one.