How is posible to have so many product selling?


Sep 29, 2016
Reaction score
Hi all.... I see guys selling more than 18000 items active on ebay. How they do that .... because they have a lot of buyers what program they use or what they do? Price are lower that I ever on aliexpress and free shipping. How can a man manage this ? Im so curious . Thank
There are plugins and apps that handle most of the drop shipping for you. If you build up steady marketing, it eventually gets marketed on its own. Then all you have to do is go in and pay for all of the orders. It's actually really simple, just tedious.
Thank for response. But just to describe and search so many photo..... Hovewer the price are sometime under the aliexpress. And for example you get 100 buys per day .... are some program who automatic buy from another site whitout any intervention? What program or plugins can be use to do that? A guy that have low price for items than aliexpress is from CN so I think he not use any clasiic dropship method and have 8000 items active or Im wrong? Thank
The guy I speak now is benjeans2015 from ebay
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sales funnel is something which experts use for filtering and assigning orders to proper drop shipper.
Thank..... But exist here any market place for these programs? Sorry for question.... But I dont find yet