How I *WAS* making over $3000 a week...

Nice share, but why don't you start marketing outside the Egay UK?
I probably could but my ebay account is now 100% positive silver power seller for legitimate sales and I dont want to tarnish my account or risk getting banned making fake accounts.
I checked but couldn't see their $150 per sign up affiliate program. Also googled around a bit but couldn't find any good casino affiliate programs yet. Any suggestions?
Most of the main casinos offer big CPA.

888 dont list the CPA on the site at the moment for some reason but they do still have it, you can select if you want revenue share or CPA....

This is taken from my account 2 mins ago.....

888 Casino-on-Net

From 1 To 100 Players - Earn $150 per player
From 101 To 200 Players - Earn $200 per player
More than 200 Players - Earn $300 per player.

888 Pacific Poker

From 1 To 999999 Players - Earn $150 per player
More than 999999 Players - Earn $150 per player
rudeboi, good share. I am sure you could transfer this to some other high traffic source. I would love to find a way into CL or Gu*mtr*ee.
I make over $200 per depositor at most casino's I am affiliated to. 8*8*8 dont offer that much anymore. I think they are more revshare, that way you are as keen on "quality signups" as they are.
It was doing ok up until recently, but as you know the dollar is now higher against the pound, and the PPC value has gone thro the roof as g**gle gets greedier and greedier. They certainly know the the value of traffic and have made the small profit margin disappear. When people realise and stop bidding perhaps they will come to their senses.
Yea but the whole thing is how to market outside of ebay? and of course outside of the US.
these days 888 gives your cpa payment on second deposit (i read this from some affiliate site ) thats becouse they got much fraud ;P

well nice concept i bet this will work with something else CPA if you get loads of views should not bet suck broplem , if you know any programming you could allso make some "roulette bot" for free and get people signt under you :D take some not so known casino se people are not registered there yet.
If casinos only pay per depositer, this won't convert well. If there is any that pays for signup though, then it could be profitable.
If casinos only pay per depositer, this won't convert well. If there is any that pays for signup though, then it could be profitable.

Thats why as explained you need a high traffic method, $3000 a week on a $100 investment isnt bad now is it?
Thats why as explained you need a high traffic method, $3000 a week on a $100 investment isnt bad now is it?

It's great if it brings in $3000 for $100 investment but I don't understand why 20 people that went to the site thru your affiliate link would actually deposit.
Your missing the point, the 7 day auction is viewed by about 1000 - 2000 people, out of all these people around only 15 people will go through and complete the paid signup.

15 x $150
Your missing the point, the 7 day auction is viewed by about 1000 - 2000 people, out of all these people around only 15 people will go through and complete the paid signup.

15 x $150

Maybe if we tell them they get the bonus after they deposit. Other than that, I really see no reason why untargeted visitors like that will actually sign up and even deposit to the site so we can get paid. 15 out of 1000 is still a 1.5% conversion rate.
It is what it is and worked well.

They think it is a no brainer, they think they can double their money and not even have to gamble, thats not the reality ofcourse but a few of the thousand obviously beleive the little story.
@Donnie Darko - Arguably they are not untargeted. They are at e3ay, so they are likely comfortable with spending money online, and they are curious enough about the business being offered to want to check it out.

Also, if you go with the figure of 2000 viewers, it would only be a .75% conversion, which is not all that incredible.
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Think about it, your ebay ad is for a casino business. Right there people are already semi interested in a casino business. "they walk away with free money in their pocket." When i read his sample paragraph, it sounds like there is an exploit or a treasure inside the site. It sounds like you can deposit and then get your bonus and walk away without playing or anything. Personally, i wouldn't buy it unless i thoroughly checked the site. Even then, i know about affiliates and affiliate links i would check that 2nd so i wouldn't register. Keep in mind a lot of people checking out ebay may just be random people browsing and they may be looking for a casino bot or a poker ebook and they stumble on this and decide they want to play it online. The point im trying to make is that the traffic is targeted to casinos and i think if you made it sound like they can walk away with their bonus, a few people would deposit, especially if minimum is 20 bucks. I wouldn't do casinos personally unless you get a per lead signup mainly because i think it'll take a lucky stroke to get anymore than 1 or 2 signups and you'll only be up like 250 over the period of a week, not much.
Checked a lot of casino affiliate programs but they all need like $50-80 first deposit, a number of played hands and stuff like that to pay you per sign up. Pretty tight rules.
Thanks for the share. I know you worked hard to get to a silver Ps on ebay but don't get to comfortable. Ebay will slash you with one buyer complaint of email about your listings.
Very good idea and i like how you think. Maybe we can use not only egay? Craiglist etc many ways i think..hehe :)