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How I used to bank $500 a month with Adsense...


Junior Member
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Note: This method is immoral... and it should be avoided...only when I started with adwords did I realize , " hey, someone might be ripping me off too"....
but yea, if your moral ground lets you do this... good for you

This is no new method... everything is old just applied differently... Google has been paying me for 5 months now.....so apparently it does work.....

1. setup a website with adsense... I used a proxy site... that way google wont be suspicious if a guy just comes, clicks on an ad and then leaves......

2. download a porn clip or anything that works well.. rar it and add a password eg " www.yoursite.com "...

3. tinyurl this password.

4. make a text file which says this :

a: goto www.tinyurl.com/xyz
b: click on an ad.. THIS STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT
c: the name of the website is the password ( eg: www.your****.com)

5. put this text file in a folder with the password protected clip and rar this folder too... dont add a pass to this one!!!

6. upload it to these sites:

That is it....

I would just upload 5 files every day ... and did this for about 15 days.... would keep my pc on all night.. but would remove the previous day's files from the list cause they would have already been uploaded by many people...
Imagine what you could do with a seedbox!

The key is to use small files... so that they can get uploaded quickly.. people wont take risks downloading a large rar file saying that it is a porn clip... and they are easy to spread also... you have to keep catchy titles!!!!...

DONT make the text file any harder.. just keep it in 3 steps so that people will do it!!

only 20-30% of the people actually click on ads... so this way, even your CTR is in check and not too high!

I uploaded files for 15 days and thats it!.. kept eating profits 5 months down the road!!!

first month I made $700.. and then it kept decreasing... the last month was around $350...

I dont support this method all that much cause well... its wrong..advertisers loose money.....

Dont think its a proxy site so u wont get a high CPC... CPCs depend mostly on the quality of your traffic....

if the click is from US.. u will most probably get $0.5 per click....if its from india... you will get $0.01....

Im hope the 'thanks' button works at your end...
this indeed is wrong , but interesting concept. set up websites about MLM and cashgifting and other crap you feel comfortable to pull off from scammin ppl :)
WARNING: Very Newbie Question

How do you "use a proxy site" ?

What kind of content do you put in your site?

What is the average file size do you upload?

Again... I apologise for the newbie question...

Will using Blogger work?

WARNING: Very Newbie Question

How do you "use a proxy site" ?

What kind of content do you put in your site?

What is the average file size do you upload?

Again... I apologise for the newbie question...

Will using Blogger work?


haha. your acocunt will be get banned very fast if you use that way
a proxy site i assume is site with proxy lists, they don't have "real" content just a list of proxys, so people come in copy the proxys and leave, they just stay a few sec on the site.

You could do that also with sporting results or scraped stock quotes.
thanks for the tip. i'll try to make a blog that targets mlm's, etc hehe.
Hey sounds great, a little interesting but I like it. Thanks given!
There is always a risk factor inside... its against tos and anyone supposed to report with those files, you'll probably in danger... anyhow so for its going well for you.. I wish luck continues to you.. :D
proxy site as in

something which lets u bypass proxy servers......
the best thing about using this site is that google ads will be there ONLY on the main page...so even if the dude clicks on an ad and leaves, google wont notice because they can only track traffic on that page... they wont even know if the traffic was 'real' or just incentivized.....

dont do it on a blogger
just buy a .info
and dont tell ur webhosting that ur running a proxy site..... they usually dont allow it..

the risk of getting caught is VERY minimal...

its a proxy site.. even if google sees that there is no refferer and the guy types in the website address, they still wont bother cause they know thats how proxy sites are usually logged into.. not through links but people know about them from before.....

just dont do anything else to flag google....

dont write on the website " hey please click an ad" !! that would be suicide
keep only one or two google ad boxes......

thats about it.
this could work for parked sites... and with higher CPC :)
yea, but if they ban you its no big deal, unlike adsense where its harder to get back.
once your banned from adsense its very hard to get back into the loop unless you have very nice friends :)
there always is somebody who send e-mail to google what you are doing, risky method
this reminds me of the old way pple used to trade mp3s
Yes.. someone could report it.. but it never happens....
the last thing on a horny guy's mind is to waste time writing an email to google about someone looting them...

making adsense accounts is the easiest thing ever.... just make a blogspot page and apply for adsense through it.. you will get an account in 15 minutes.....
making adsense accounts is the easiest thing ever.... just make a blogspot page and apply for adsense through it.. you will get an account in 15 minutes.....

Its no more happening like that in adsense now, I tried to apply for my friend later this week, by blogspot... and the reply from 'G' is

Page Type: In order to participate in Google AdSense, publishers'
websites and application information must satisfy the following

- Your website must be your own top-level domain (www.example.com and
not www.example.com/mysite).
- Your domain must have been registered and active for at least 6
months. before you apply for AdSense.
- You must provide accurate personal information with your application
that matches the information on your domain registration.
- Your website must contain substantial, original content.

after that, I tried with one of my 8 months old site and still rejected, I tried with hubpages and got rejected again.. all with original content..

So, its very tough to get a new on adsense, so its very risky by loosing your existing account..