do you guy, even the OP think that spam a post to a group is easy like this? If there is any group that allow you do it, it is already dead group. Try this and you will see this strategy is nothing more than a fake cake.
lol. I tried this many years ago, everyone who doing FB tried this, it is not a special idea.Have you tried this?
then,how to mention all the scrapped members as @everyone does?To scrape all members from groups, go to developer tools - console and paste this below script
function exportToCsv(e,t){for(var n="",o=0;o<t.length;o++)n+=function(e){for(var t="",n=0;n<e.length;n++){var o=null===e[n]||void 0===e[n]?"":e[n].toString(),o=(o=e[n]instanceof Date?e[n].toLocaleString()).replace(/"/g,'""');0<n&&(t+=","),t+=o=0<"|,|\n)/g)?'"'+o+'"'}return t+"\n"}(t[o]);var r=new Blob([n],{type:"text/csv;charset=utf-8;"}),i=document.createElement("a");void 0!,i.setAttribute("href",r),i.setAttribute("download",e),document.body.appendChild(i),,document.body.removeChild(i))}function buildCTABtn(){var e=document.createElement("div"),t=(e.setAttribute("style",["position: fixed;","top: 0;","left: 0;","z-index: 10;","width: 100%;","height: 100%;","pointer-events: none;"].join("")),document.createElement("div")),n=(t.setAttribute("style",["position: absolute;","bottom: 30px;","right: 130px;","color: white;","min-width: 150px;","background: var(--primary-button-background);","border-radius: var(--button-corner-radius);","padding: 0px 12px;","cursor: pointer;","font-weight:600;","font-size:15px;","display: inline-flex;","pointer-events: auto;","height: 36px;","align-items: center;","justify-content: center;"].join("")),document.createTextNode("Download ")),o=document.createElement("span"),r=(o.setAttribute("id","fb-group-scraper-number-tracker"),o.textContent="0",document.createTextNode(" members"));return t.appendChild(n),t.appendChild(o),t.appendChild(r),t.addEventListener("click",function(){var e=(new Date).toISOString();exportToCsv("groupMemberExport-".concat(e,".csv"),window.members_list)}),e.appendChild(t),document.body.appendChild(e),e}function processResponse(e){var t,n;if(null!==(t=null==e?void 0!==t&&;else{if("Group"!==(null===(t=null===(t=null==e?void||void 0===t?void 0:t.node)||void 0===t?void 0:t.__typename))return;}if(null!==(t=null==o?void 0.new_members)&&void 0!==t&&t.edges)n=o.new_members.edges;else if(null!==(e=null==o?void 0.new_forum_members)&&void 0!==e&&e.edges)n=o.new_forum_members.edges;else{if(null===(t=null==o?void 0.search_results)||void 0===t||!t.edges)return;n=o.search_results.edges}var{var t=e.node,,,r=t.bio_text,i=t.url,s=t.profile_picture,t=t.__isProfile,d=(null===(d=null==e?void 0:e.join_status_text)||void 0===d?void 0:d.text)||(null===(d=null===(d=null==e?void 0:e.membership)||void 0===d?void 0:d.join_status_text)||void 0===d?void 0:d.text),e=null===(e=e.node.group_membership)||void 0===e?void;return[n,o,i,(null==r?void 0:r.text)||"",(null==s?void 0:s.uri)||"",e,d||"",t]}),o=((t=window.members_list).push.apply(t,e),document.getElementById("fb-group-scraper-number-tracker"));o&&(o.textContent=window.members_list.length.toString())}function parseResponse(e){var n=[];try{n.push(JSON.parse(e))}catch(t){var o=e.split("\n");if(o.length<=1)return void console.error("Fail to parse API response",t);for(var r=0;r<o.length;r++){var i=o[r];try{n.push(JSON.parse(i))}catch(e){console.error("Fail to parse API response",t)}}}for(var t=0;t<n.length;t++)processResponse(n[t])}function main(){buildCTABtn();var e=XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send=function(){this.addEventListener("readystatechange",function(){this.responseURL.includes("/api/graphql/")&&4===this.readyState&&parseResponse(this.responseText)},!1),e.apply(this,arguments)}}window.members_list=window.members_list||[["Profile Id","Full Name","ProfileLink","Bio","Image Src","Groupe Id","Group Joining Text","Profile Type"]],main();
Make sure to scroll to fetch all the members from group.
so,how does your custom script work? could you please share that with me? I need that,pleaseYou can’t use this option mate only if you are the admin
that doesn’t work.... already tried... lolFacebook allows it that you as a member of other related groups can share your content, visuals, videos to multiple groups. They will see your profile, goto your FB page, from then to your website to get traffic.....
Most groups that allow these are littered by spam - I wouldn't be surprised if few REAL BUYERS read those you guy, even the OP think that spam a post to a group is easy like this? If there is any group that allow you do it, it is already dead group. Try this and you will see this strategy is nothing more than a fake cake.
Maybe with the new FB algo it works when you have a FB personal page not a business page.....they forcing you to pay for ads when you have a business page. And when you FB page is new then write the first 3-5 days your content on your FB page after waiting 3-5 days then try to shae your content again in groups where you are a member share a new written summarize of your content then or try to post the full content, but the catch is not every FB gropup allows it.that doesn’t work.... already tried... lol
nope bro. it delivers me residual traffic like (3-4 clicks per day to my website) when I share to many groups. So the traffic it sends to my websites it's always low using Facebook.Maybe with the new FB algo it works when you have a FB personal page not a business page.....they forcing you to pay for ads when you have a business page. And when you FB page is new then write the first 3-5 days your content on your FB page after waiting 3-5 days then try to shae your content again in groups where you are a member share a new written summarize of your content then or try to post the full content, but the catch is not every FB gropup allows it.
Or hire an fiverr freelancer to find for you target groups who allws you to post your content.
maybe its the only strategy. run ads but you have to spend like $1500 minimum in paid ads to make the group kinda popular.The best way to grow a group is to just run ads to it and also buy followers so people think it's bigger than it is. We well as just friending people and inviting
We get it, advertisements are annoying!
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