How easy to rank for local searches??


Junior Member
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi so I'm wondering if any of you are regularly ranking for local searches.

How much work does it take to get local pages ranked at the top?

If I set up a page...make a 25 spoke linkwheel...submit unique articles to 150 directories...list the site in 1000 we directories...submit the page to 150+ social bookmark sites and all the RSS feeds to a few hundred RSS directories....all pointed back to that page I made about that local keyword....will that be enough???

That is my current plan but it involves a big anyone who has ranked for loacl I making it too hard? Or is that not enough?

What if I repeat this process for 10-15 keywords on the same domain?
It depends on your city and niche. If you are looking at a low competition niche in a small city, then you can usually rank very quickly.

On the other hand, if you go into real estate in new york, then you better be in for the long haul.

Go do some testing yourself. Don't rely entirely one what anybody says on any forum in order to evaluate your risk.
Thanks..I'm going to do it. I have picked up some clients so it will be with their money too...

But I am just looking to see what I am up against!
ranking for local searches? ranking for x country :
- buy domain x country
- host your domain in x country
- use x country language
- get backlinks from x country
- promote to get traffic from x country
Be careful because google 7 local listings can steal most of the traffic. i dont know this for sure but i am in the process of getting to number 1 for a local keyword.
The first point if you can buy a keyword domain,second see the number of page rank and outbound links,Pr 3-,Outbound 100-
Well these are established sites of local businesses so the domain name is already chosen.

That is why I will be adding a page specific to each keyword with good onpage SEO the building many links back to it.

It seems it may be pretty simple to accomplish.
Well these are established sites of local businesses so the domain name is already chosen.

That is why I will be adding a page specific to each keyword with good onpage SEO the building many links back to it.

It seems it may be pretty simple to accomplish.

If your keywords are not too competitive then you will get there easily. Competitive keywords also wont make it too difficult for you to get top on the locals.