what if the person that uploaded the video got real 1 million views, but he turned off comments on his video for a long time, then, turned it on later after a few weeks or months. he would have very few comments.
so views to comment ratio you can't prove anything. even there are Indian channels i know of legit ones, with lot of views but very few comments.
similar to t series, they have 120M subs, but many of their videos get 50k views etc. very small compared to the number of subs, but their main release like music video or trailers get 100M + views.
so you can't call it fake subs coz they have less views.
this high subs, low view thing, and high view count low engagement thing is also quite common on many Indian channels as far as I've noticed.
so based on the above 2 things I said, i dont think we can prove the views are fake.